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The Senologie (of . Fr le be "the chest "; originally. Lat. Sinus "curvature Bausch of the garment, Breast "), the teachings of the female breast . The name goes back to the founder of senology, Charles Marie Gros from Strasbourg , who in 1972 with the Senologic International Society (SIS) created the first association for medical research into the female breast. His goal was to "bring together all doctors who deal with the normal and impaired functions of the female breast."

The 1st International Congress of SIS took place in Hamburg in 1980 and, among other things, brought about the establishment of the German Society for Senology in the following year .

The field of work in senology ranges from basic biological , physiological and anatomical subjects to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, as well as follow-up care and disease prevention . A wide range of specialist disciplines can be found in the clinical area: ( plastic ) surgeons , gynecologists , internists , pathologists , radiologists and oncologists deal with the various aspects of diagnosis and treatment of mammary diseases. Senologists are increasingly striving for a holistic view of the patient, which also includes psychological and social aspects.

Central topics of current senological research are processes in the context of physiological, respectively disturbed breast development and especially the development and treatment of benign and malignant neoplasms up to breast cancer . One goal is to reduce the number and severity of new cases by establishing more effective preventive measures (especially cancer prevention ). The spectrum ranges from patient training on how to properly scan one's own breast to the development of strict quality assurance programs in the mammography area . Another focus is the continuous development of surgical techniques for breast reconstruction and nipple reconstruction . Since the work is predominantly performed in a breast-conserving manner, complete mastectomy is now rarely necessary. While implants filled with silicone gel or saline solution are generally used in classic breast augmentation , the trend in modern reconstructive surgery is increasingly towards techniques in which autologous tissue, for example in the form of abdominal flaps, is used to augment the breast.

Well-known senologists

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Wiktionary: Senology  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations