Adolph von Danckelmann (politician)

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Adolph Albrecht Heinrich Leopold Count von Danckelmann (born September 26, 1736 , † June 23, 1807 ) was the Prussian Minister of State and Justice.


He came from the the baron raised noble family Danckelmann . His father was the Prussian Minister of State Carl Ludolph Freiherr von Danckelmann , his mother Lucia Sophia, née von Freyberg (1704–1764).

From 1753 he studied law at the University of Halle and then, thanks to his father's mediation, entered the Prussian civil service, first at the Berlin Court of Justice , then from 1758 to 1763 as a councilor in Magdeburg . In 1763 he was appointed regional president in the Brandenburg-Prussian duchy of Kleve-Mark . From 1780 to 1795 he worked in Wroclaw as the secret minister of state and justice in Prussian Silesia , chief president of the three Silesian regional government and royal commissioner for the Silesian countryside. In favor of his political offices, he renounced a long-prepared legal career as a Prussian representative at the Reich Chamber of Commerce in Wetzlar . In 1795 he received his desired farewell and has since lived on his Silesian estate Groß Peterwitz , where he also died.

In 1763 he married Dorothee Friederike Louise (1733–1798), daughter of Caspar Friedrich von Bredow on Senzke. With her he had several children, including Adolph Alexander (1765–1824), Carl Ludolf Friedrich (1766–1819), Heinrich Wilhelm August Alexander (1768–1830) and Eberhardt Adolph Alexander (1776–1829).

His father had left three manors in Lodersleben and one in Obhausen . Adolph sold his share in it in 1769 to his brother Ludwig Philipp Gottlob Freiherr von Danckelmann .

For his services to the development of Prussia, Adolph Albrecht Heinrich Leopold became Baron von Danckelmann and his descendants on July 6, 1798, from King Friedrich Wilhelm III. in Berlin raised to the Prussian count status.


  • Sigrid Jahns : The Reich Chamber of Commerce and its judges. Constitution and social structure of a highest court in the Old Kingdom. Part 2: Biographies, Volume 1. Böhlau Verlag , Cologne, Weimar, Vienna 2003 (= sources and research on the highest jurisdiction in the old Reich, Volume 26,2,1) ISBN 3-412-06503-X , pp. 321–329 (there as "Danckelmann, Adolf Albert Heinrich Leopold, Frh. (Gf.) v.").
  • Rolf Straubel : Biographical manual of the Prussian administrative and judicial officials 1740–1806 / 15 . In: Historical Commission to Berlin (Ed.): Individual publications . 85. KG Saur Verlag, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-598-23229-9 , pp. 193 f . ( limited preview in the Google book search - there as "Adolph Albrecht Heinrich Graf von Danckelman" with year of birth 1738).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See Jahns: Das Reichskammergericht and its judges, Part 2: Biographien, Volume 1, pp. 326–329.