Aaron ben Meir Brisker

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Aaron ben Meir Brisker (* around 1750 , † 1807 ) was a Jewish Talmudist who represented the interests of the Jews at the four-year Sejm . In his writings he distinguished himself as a master of pilpul .


Aaron's father was one of the leaders of the Jewish community in Brest-Litowsk and one of the signatories of the letter to Jonathan Eybeschütz , whom he supported in the dispute with Jacob Emden . Aaron studied under Eleazar ben Eleazar Kallir , who wrote the Or Ḥadash , and refused to accept the office of rabbi in order to be able to devote himself entirely to his studies.

During the four-year Sejm he was sent to Warsaw in 1791 to represent the community in Brest and to advise on the problems of the Polish Jews.

He wrote Talmudic novellas under the title Minḥat Aharon to the treatise Sanhedrin as well as several responses which were inserted by his grandson Jacob Meir Padua in the work Mekor Majim Ḥajjim (1837).


  • Minḥat Aharon , Nowydor 1792


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