Mariano Rossi

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Mariano Rossi (born December 9, 1731 in Sciacca , † October 24, 1807 in Rome ) was an Italian classicist painter . In addition to frescoes in Sicily and mainland Italy, he became known as the creator of altarpieces and paintings with allegorical, religious or mythological content.


He was born as Mario Antonio Russo, the son of a cooper. He received his first training from Gaspare Testone (1704-1801) in Sciacca and later in Palermo from Filippo Randazzo , a representative of the neoclassical Conca school . After Randazzo's death (1744), Rossi went to Naples , where he dealt with the painting of Francesco Solimena , which had a lasting influence in particular on his later frescoes .

After all, he was in Rome in Marco Benefial's workshop . Under Benefial Rossi consolidated his neoclassical style he to stylistic elements s enriched. Rossi categorically rejected the strict classical approach, which was represented by Johann Joachim Winckelmann and the painter Anton Raphael Mengs in Rome at that time.

As early as 1754 he received a second prize from the Accademia di San Luca , of which he became a member on October 5, 1766 .

In 1771 he was appointed to the royal court of Turin to paint frescoes in the camera degli archivi of the palace. In 1779 he frescoed the ceiling of a hall in the Biblioteca Classense in Ravenna and in 1782 the ceiling of the "Salone" in the casino of the Villa Borghese (Rome) . In 1795 he was commissioned by King Ferdinand IV to decorate the anteroom of the private apartments in the royal castle of Caserta with historical frescoes. On December 23, 1798 , he fled together with the king and a large part of the court from the French troops to Palermo. There he worked on frescoes and altarpieces for the Cathedral of Palermo . In 1804 he was appointed director of the Accademia di Disegno in Palermo.

Mariano Rossi: Ceiling fresco "Jupiter takes Romulus in Olympus" . Palazzo Barberini, Rome

In 1806 he returned to Rome after the French had withdrawn, where he died a year later and was buried in the church of Santa Susanna , where he was honored with a plaque:

"The 24 octobris 1807 Marianus Rossi, icilianus maritus Rosae Navarrae, aetatis suae 76, morbo correptus, sacramentaliter confessus, viatico refectus, oleique S. Unctione et Papali benedictione munitus animaeque, commendatione usque ad ultimum adiutEus, in comneo SM reddidit hora octava noctis, eiusque cadaver hac in mea Parrochiali Ecclesia delatum et expositum abque cum capsa post solemnem Missam tumulatum fuit ”.

Works (selection)

On Sicily

  • Santa Maria di Giummare ( Sciacca ): Fresco "Assumption of the Virgin with Saints Benedict and Scholastica" and "Archangel Michael with Guardian Angels" (1767-1768)
  • San Francesco di Paolo (Sciacca): “Descent from the Cross”
  • Chiesa del Purgatorio (Sciacca): “Madonna del Carmelo” and “Madonna della Luce”
  • San Nicolò l'Arena ( Catania ): "Martyrdom of Saint Agatha" and "Saint Joseph" both 1786
  • Palermo Cathedral : Apse and choir frescoes "Assumption" and painting "Robert Guiscard and Roger hand over the church to Bishop Nicodemus" (1802)
  • Chiesa di San Martino alle Scale ( Monreale ): “Saint Benedict”
  • Chiesa dell'Addolorata ( Menfi ): "Lamentation of Christ"
  • Santa Maria del Bosco ( Bisaquino ): “Blessed Ptolomew conquers the plague in Siena”

In Italy

  • San Giuseppe alla Lungara ( Rome ): 13 oil paintings of the organ parapet, tondi of the corner niches, high altar paintings, ceiling painting of the sacristy (1764-1768)
  • Santa Lucia al Gonfalone (Rome): “Paul meets Peter on the way to martyrdom” ( 1766 )
  • Santa Maria in Aracoeli (Rome): “Confirmation of the Franciscan Rules” and “Dream of Pope Innocent”
  • Santa Maria della Consolazione (Rome): “Descent from the Cross”
  • Santa Maria ai Monti (Rome): “Carrying the Cross”
  • Abbazia Fruttuaris ( San Benigno Canavese near Turin): “Annunciation” ( 1774 )
  • Casino Borghese (Rome): ceiling fresco in the entrance hall "Apotheosis of Romulus by Jupiter Olympus" (1779)
  • Palazzo Borghese (Rome): cycle of frescoes in the Sala di Venere
  • Royal Castle ( Caserta ): vault fresco in front of the private apartments "Alexander the Great marries Roxana" (1787)

In museums and collections


Web links