Friedrich Ferdinand Press

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Friedrich Ferdinand Drück (born December 9, 1754 in Marbach am Neckar , † April 27, 1807 in Stuttgart ) was a German philologist . He studied philosophy and theology in Tübingen and worked there as a sub-librarian from 1777. From 1779 he worked at the Karlsschule in Stuttgart as professor for ancient languages, from 1782 also as professor for ancient history. Friedrich Schiller was one of his students . In 1788 Drück became the librarian of the public library at the Charles School. After the Charles School closed in 1794, he moved to the Stuttgart grammar school, where Gustav Schwab was one of his students.

Drück was a member of the Illuminati Order , into which he was accepted by Jakob Friedrich von Abel . Within this society he was called Heraklit .


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