Karel Slavoj Amerling

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Karel Slavoj Amerling

Karel Slavoj Amerling , also Karl Slavomil Amerling , pseudonym Slavoj Strnad Klatovský , (born September 18, 1807 in Klatovy , † November 2, 1884 in Prague ) was a Czech educator , writer and philosopher .


Born as the child of a wealthy baker, he attended the Latin school in Klatovy from 1820 , after which he studied philosophy in Vienna for two years . After his return he worked as an educator for two years, then went to Prague to study medicine, but also took seminars in philosophy ( pantheism ) and theology .

From 1833 to 1837 he worked as an assistant to Professor Jan Svatopluk Presl in the field of mineralogy and biology. He was responsible for managing the collections of the noble natural scientist Kaspar Maria von Sternberg , one of the co-founders of the Czech Museum . In 1836 he acquired the title MUDr. and in the same year became secretary of the Sternbergs , but had to give up this position shortly afterwards due to an illness.

He went abroad and visited Switzerland , Austria , the coasts of the Adriatic and the Aegean . On his return he became a private doctor in Prague, but his main interest was education. He gathered like-minded people around him who saw a need for trained young people in the burgeoning industrial revolution and who advocated a reformation of the school system. In 1840 he founded the Budeč educational institution and headed it from 1848 to 1868. The institute for the training of pedagogues gained a name for itself as an exemplary Bohemian school that was supposed to educate not only teachers and exemplary companies, but also educated educators, mothers, wives and housekeepers. In 1848 he also published his proposal for the reformation of the school system.

He was convinced that education and upbringing was possible for everyone and fought for the establishment of an institute for mentally disturbed young people. His dream came true and he was able to open his Ernestinum on Hradčany , the first institute for the care and upbringing of mentally retarded children in the Austrian monarchy. After his political dismissal, he became director of a mental hospital in 1870, which he ran until his death.


Amerling founded a Society for Physiocracy , with which he wanted to bring scientific research and its results closer to people. He also published numerous books and articles in newspapers and magazines.

He was a member of various organizations, including, since 1867, the Leopoldina Academic Academy , honorary member of the Association of Czech Doctors, the Czech Union of Silk Sewers and the KČSN. In theory, he was mainly concerned with the implementation of scientific findings in agriculture, but also psychological and psychiatric problems.

His physiocracy and natural economy are based on the saying of Francis Bacon : "Knowledge is power." In contrast to him, however, his work is aimed at utility and not at basic research. His understanding of nature is also based on his strong belief. He understands God as a constantly working Creator who not only created force and matter, but also the soul that lives in matter. Both soul and matter live in harmony, with matter serving the soul.

He was enthusiastic about mathematics, which he saw as the key to getting to know nature and man. In his works and essays he suppressed the discoveries and the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin . He sees Genesis as creation and tries to interpret it scientifically. He was also ethically connected to the faith.


Most of his works are educational writings. He adored Comenius and for a time believed himself to be his successor. He particularly emphasized Comenius' principles of clarity and adequacy of teaching.


  • Květomluva, 1833
  • Přátelům štěpařství, 1836
  • Knížka o hmyzech, 1836
  • Pojednání o malbě, 1837
  • Promyslný posel, 1840, 1844
  • Přehlední tabule lučby mineralní a rostlinné, 1840
  • Lučebné zkoumání na suché cestě, 1846
  • Nedělní listy pro řemeslníky, 1947
  • Příruční knížka pro sběratele přírodnin, 1849
  • Jedovaté rostliny, 1850
  • Přírodnická průmyslnická zemězpytecká mapa Čech, 1850
  • Lučební základové hospodářství a řemeslnictví, 1851
  • Průmysl v Čechách, 1851
  • Přírodněna česká, 1851
  • Živočichové v obrazích, 1851
  • Rostliny v obrazích, 1852
  • Orbis pictus, 1852
  • Fauna a zvířena česká, 1852
  • Třicet dílen řemeslnických, 1857
  • Dvanáct měsíců v obrazích, 1859
  • Biological-harmonious natural system, 1864
  • Collected essays from the field of natural economy and physiocracy, 1868
  • Orientation teaching or diasophy, 1874
  • Esentialní, čili podstatné o vychování, 1875
  • The God of Christianity as an Object of Strict Scientific Research, 1880
  • The idiot institution of the Sct. Anna Women's Association in Prague from 1871–1883, 1883
  • Školy denní, týdenní a měsíční I – II 1885, 1886.


  • Dějiny první hlavní české školy a kursu učitelského, Otázky časové a rozpravy pedagogické, 14, 1908
  • Výbor z korespondence, in Pedagogické dědictví KAREL SLAVOJ AMERLING, 1960.


  • Constantin von Wurzbach : Amerling, Karl . In: Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich . 1st part. University book printer L. C. Zamarski (formerly JP Sollinger), Vienna 1856, p. 30 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Amerling Karl Slavomil. In: Austrian Biographical Lexicon 1815–1950 (ÖBL). Volume 1, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Vienna 1957, p. 18.
  • RV Amerlingová: Stručné vypsání života KA, 1885
  • JV Jahn: KAREL SLAVOJ AMERLING Obraz ze života a práce, 1893
  • E. Rádl: O české filosofii přírodní, 1900
  • F. Čáda: A. příspěvky k Orbis pictus, 1900
  • F. Čáda: A. učení průvědné, 1907
  • Památce Amerlingově I – II, 1908
  • Karl Herfort: Dr. Karl Amerling (a contribution to the history of the care for the feeble-minded in Bohemia), in: "EOS", quarterly for the knowledge and treatment of adolescent abnormalities. to celebrate his 100th birthday, Deutscher Verlag für Politik und Volk, Vienna 1908, OCLC 174603283 .
  • J. Lavička: Stručný nástin filosofie československé ve stol. XIX., 1925
  • J. Král: ČsF, 1937
  • Pedagogická encyklopedie I, 1938
  • M. Dýma: Buditelská a pedagogická činnost KAREL SLAVOJ AMERLING, in Pedagogické dědictví KAREL SLAVOJ AMERLING, 1960
  • V. Spěváček: KAREL SLAVOJ AMERLING, 1962
  • E. Hoffmannová: KAREL SLAVOJ AMERLING, 1982
  • M. Cipro: KAREL SLAVOJ AMERLING (1807-1884), Pedagogika 1986
  • J. Valenta: KAREL SLAVOJ AMERLING - Komenský 19. století, in Pocta Univerzity Karlovy JA Komenskému, 1991.
  • Československá vlastivěda X., Osvěta, Praha 1931

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