Alva Cape

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Alva Cape p1
Ship data
flag United KingdomUnited Kingdom (trade flag) United Kingdom
Ship type Tanker
Owner Alva Steamship Company
Shipyard Greenock Dockyard Company
Launch 1953
Whereabouts Scuttled on July 3, 1966 about 100 nm southeast of New York Harbor
Ship dimensions and crew
166.42 m ( Lüa )
measurement 11,252 GRT
Machine system
machine Steam turbine

The Alva Cape was a British flag oil tanker . It was built in 1953 by the Greenock Dockyard Company in Greenock for the Alva Steamship Company in London . The ship was measured at 11,252 gross tons and was 546 feet long.


Loaded with more than 130,000 barrels of naphtha, the ship collided on June 16, 1966 in Kill Van Kull near Staten Island with the empty tanker Texaco Massachusetts . A tug set the petrol that had leaked out on fire. In the following fire disaster, 33 people were killed. When unloading thirteen days after the accident , the Alva Cape exploded after about 120,000 barrels of the cargo could be unloaded. Another four people were killed. The tanker was then sunk by the US Coast Guard on July 3, 1966 in the open sea southeast of New York by shell fire.

With a total of 37 fatalities and 71 injuries, it is the worst tank accident that has ever occurred in the port of New York .

Web links


  1. a b Information from the Center For Tankship Excellence (English), accessed on May 1, 2010
  2. a b Commentary on the judgment of the Federal Court of Appeal from 1980 on: (English), accessed on May 1, 2010
  3. Volker Lang: New York's biggest tanker accident - Hell of Flames in front of Manhattan on:, September 9, 2008