Stanisław Lubomirski (magnate, 1583)

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Stanislaw Lubomirski

Stanisław Lubomirski (* 1583 , † 16th June 1649 ) was a Polish aristocrat , magnate , officials in the civil service , military leaders, politicians and imperial prince in the Holy Roman Empire . He came from the noble family of the Lubomirskis .


Stanisław Lubomirski was born in 1583 to Sebastian Lubomirski († 1613) and Anna Lubomirska, née Branicka († 1639).

From 1620 he was the precursor of the royal meal (in Polish "Krajczy"; from around the 15th century only a titular office) of the Polish crown and royal secretary. From 1628 he held the post of Voivod of Ruthenia , which was followed from 1638 by the offices of Voivod of the Kraków Voivodeship and a Starost of Kraków . In 1647 Emperor Ferdinand III raised him . to the rank of Imperial Prince of the Holy Roman Empire.

Lubomirski took an active part in the 1609 siege of Smolensk during the Polish-Russian War 1609-1618 . In 1621 he was one of the commanders of Polish troops during the Ottoman-Polish War 1620–1621 . He served from 1634 under Grand Hetman Stanisław Koniecpolski in the then Polish Ukraine .

He inherited large latifundia from his father, which he increased by marrying Zofia Lubomirska, née Ostrogska († 1662). Until 1642 he was the owner of 10 castles, 12 towns, 300 villages and extensive estates and the like. a. He was one of the richest magnates in Poland-Lithuania.

The marriage with Zofia Ostrogska resulted in two daughters and three sons, including Jerzy Sebastian Lubomirski .


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