Edmund Andros

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Edmund Andros signature

Edmund Andros (born December 6, 1637 in London , † February 24, 1714 ibid) was an early English colonial governor . His father was Amias Andros (French spelling: Amice Andros), Seigneur von Saumarez.

Andros served as the English governor of New York (1674–1681), New England (1686–1689), Virginia (1692–1697), Maryland (1693–1694) and Guernsey (1704–1706) and was the founder of the Covenant Chain , an alliance the English colonies of North America and the Iroquois League .

In North America, Andros was not a popular governor. At the head of the short-lived Dominion of New England , to which the Colony of Connecticut also belonged at times , he angered the Puritan settlers in Boston because he openly made pacts with the Church of England . They were also upset with the unbridled and “sinful” soldiers of Andros. Andros disrupted city assemblies, restricted open-air meetings, and imposed high taxes on the population without the permission of their representatives. He also angered the settlers by restricting their activities by combating smuggling and enforcing the colonialists' restrictive Navigation Acts . After James II of England was deposed as a result of the Glorious Revolution , the Dominion fell apart. A group of settlers raided its administrative center in 1689, forcing Andros to return to England. However, that did not affect Andros' career, thanks to the balance of power in the mother country. Andros died in London in 1714 .

Web links

Commons : Edmund Andros  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Amias: Biographies 1610 - 1674. Gentlemen on Guernsey for centuries, "Seigneurs" since the 16th century. Amias's father was Thomas Andros from 1571 to 1637. Source: theislandwiki.org