Jonathan Belcher

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Jonathan Belcher, portrait of James I. Vaughan

Jonathan Belcher (born January 8 jul. / 18th January  1682 greg. In Cambridge , Massachusetts Bay Colony ; † 31 August 1757 in Elizabethtown , Province of New Jersey ) was a merchant, businessman and politician of the Province of Massachusetts Bay during the American colonial era. Belcher also served as colonial governor of the British New Hampshire Colony from 1729 to 1741 and of the Province of Massachusetts Bay from 1730 to 1741 for more than a decade . He later served ten years as governor of the Province of New Jersey from 1747 to 1757.

Belcher was born into a wealthy Massachusetts merchant family. He attended Harvard College and then joined the family business. At the same time he was active in local politics. He was instrumental in promoting Samuel Shute as governor of Massachusetts in 1715 and had a seat on Colony's Council , but over time he fell out with Shute and eventually joined the populist movement around Elisha Cooke . Following the sudden death of Governor William Burnet in 1729, Belcher successfully took over the governorship of Massachusetts and New Hampshire. During his tenure, Belcher politically marginalized those he perceived as the opposition, making many powerful enemies in both provinces. In a protracted border conflict between Massachusetts and New Hampshire, Belcher unilaterally preferred Massachusetts interests, contrary to his openly proclaimed neutrality in the matter. It was later discovered that he allowed political allies to illegal logging on crown lands. His opponents, led by William Shirley and Samuel Waldo , eventually convinced the Board of Trade to oust Belcher, he was replaced by Shirley in Massachusetts and Benning Wentworth in New Hampshire. The border disputes were decided in favor of New Hampshire.

Belcher was named governor of New Jersey in 1747 with the assistance of the Quaker community. He tried unsuccessfully to settle the conflicts between the Quakers of New Jersey and the big landowners and promoted the establishment of the College of New Jersey , now Princeton University . For most of his tenure as royal governor, Belcher suffered from a progressive nervous disease and died in office in 1757. Belchertown , Massachusetts was named after him.


Youth and education

Jonathan Belcher was born in Cambridge , Province of Massachusetts Bay on January 8, 1681/2.

Belcher was the fifth of seven children. His father Andrew was an adventurer and businessman and his mother Sarah Gilbert Belcher was the daughter of a politically well-connected merchant and Indian trader from the Colony of Connecticut . His mother died when he was seven years old and his father sent him to live with relatives while he expanded his trading business. Andrew Belcher was a very successful trader, even though some of his deals were against the Navigational Record and some deals were allegedly carried out with pirates. These deals made him one of the richest men in Massachusetts in the 1680s and 1690s. To emphasize the social status of the family, the son was sent to the Boston Latin School in 1691 , after which he attended Harvard College in 1695 . Belcher was listed there as second, the order of the listing gave an indication of the importance of a family. First was Jeremiah Dummer listed. Belcher and Dummer both pursued political careers in the provinces, sometimes as allies and sometimes as opponents. Belcher's five sisters were all married into politically or economically prominent families, so important connections were forged that later promoted Belcher's career.

In January 1705, Belcher married Mary Partridge, daughter of former Lieutenant Governor of the Province of New Hampshire William Partridge , an occasional business associate of his father. The couple had three children, (Andrew, Sarah, and Jonathan). Mary Belcher died in 1736.

Agent in his father's trading empire

Belcher's summer home in Milton

Belcher graduated from Harvard at the age of 17. After that, he entered the father's business. The trading empire his father had built encompassed trade from the West Indies to Europe and included shares or ownership rights in more than 15 ships. In the spring of 1704 his father sent him to London to establish his own business contacts and secure military supply contracts. After establishing these business contacts on the basis of letters from his father, Belcher traveled on to the United Netherlands in order to make contacts with Dutch merchants and to start a tour of Western Europe. After visiting Rotterdam and Amsterdam , he traveled to Hanover , where he was received by Electress Sophie von Hanover and where he met the future King of Great Britain, Georg I. Ludwig . After appealing to the Court of Justice of the Kingdom of Prussia in Berlin , he returned to New England. After these trips on which he had met a variety of religious practices, he returned to the Calvinist influenced congregationalism back New England. He held this belief throughout his life.

During the years of the Spanish War of Succession , also known in North America as the Queen Anne's War from 1702 to 1713, Belcher's father was retained as a major provider of the provincial militia and served as general commissioner of the province. Belcher was involved in managing the family's commercial business activities. In 1708 he traveled again to London, where he concluded a major contract with the Admiralty . The war effort caused economic upheaval in Massachusetts, and the Belchers, who hoarded grain and other supplies for military purposes, became a target for popular discontent when food shortages occurred towards the end of the war. The family warehouse was targeted in the riot in Boston and Belcher was beaten by the mob in a robbery.

Own business

Belcher's commercial activity also included the occasional trade in slaves. He is known to have owned slaves, which he got from his friend Isaac Royall. On his second visit to Hanover in 1708, he presented an enslaved Indian to the Electress Sophie. Nevertheless, he expressed an aversion to slavery, as stated in a letter in 1739: "We have few in this area, and I wish there were fewer."

In addition to commercial business, the Belcher family owned extensive land in New England. Due to errors in the early demarcation of Massachusetts and neighboring Connecticut , Massachusetts gave land in the central portion of the province to Connecticut in the early 1700s to compensate for the census errors in Massachusetts' favor. When Connecticut auctioned that land in 1716, Belcher was one of the buyers. The lands that belonged to it eventually became a separate town , Belchertown.

Belcher inherited land from his father, which was in what is now Wallingford and Meriden , Connecticut. He spent a large amount of money trying to profitably mine metal ores, especially copper. In 1714 he expanded his mining business, with a stake in a mine in Simsbury , now East Granby , Connecticut. A report in 1735 indicated an investment of £ 15,000 for these ventures. However, these efforts failed because it was against British law at the time to smelt copper in the colonies to avoid the cost of shipping to England. He eventually melted the copper illegally. The Simsbury Site , later Old Newgate Prison, was used as a prison by the state and is now a National Historic Landmark .

With the coronation of King George I in 1714, Andrew Belcher sent Jonathan back to London to try to use the existing connection with the new king. During that trip, Belcher became involved in recruiting for his Connecticut property. In addition to hiring an experienced metal refiner in England, he also recruited German miners. As a result of the presence of the German miners, the area near the Simsbury Mine became known as "Hanover". Belcher's first visit to Hanover also took him to the Harz Mountains .

Agent and advice

Belcher commissioned this engraved portrait when he was appointed governor of the Massachusetts and New Hampshire colonies.

Colonel Elizeus Burges was appointed Governor of the Province of Massachusetts Bay and the Province of New Hampshire by the king. Belcher, along with his compatriot Jeremiah Dummer, both opponents of a Landesbank, which was, however, supported by Burges, bribed him with £ 1000 so that he resigned from this office before he left England. Dummer and Belcher subsequently sponsored Samuel Shute as an alternative to Burges, believing he would get off to a good start in New England as he came from a respected Dissenter family, among other qualities . They also briefed Shute on the political situation in the province after he was appointed governor. Shute arrived in Boston on October 4, 1716, where he began a difficult and controversial term. He signaled his partisanship with the first residence with Paul Dudley, son of the last governor Joseph Dudley and also an opponent of the Landesbank, more than with his activity as incumbent governor after William Tailer .

Belcher was appointed to the Massachusetts Governor's Council in 1718. During Shute's tenure, Belcher was seen as part of the political group that generally supported the governor.

He, who was repeatedly inside and outside the council, blocked by the efforts of populist leader Elisha Cooke. This struggle continued after Shute left the province in late 1722 to have his differences with the congregation prosecuted by the Privy Council in London. Belcher, however, became increasingly unhappy that Paul Dudley's influence increased during the reign of William Dummer, Dudley's brother-in-law.

When William Burnet arrived as the new governor in 1728, Belcher was surprisingly elected to host the Boston city council, an election apparently planned by Cooke. In Burnet's dispute with the Assembly over his salary, which exceeded Shute's, Burnet's bitterness blocked his short term in office, and Cooke and Belcher made common cause on this point.

Belcher was chosen by the Assembly as agent for London to explain the colonial position on the governor's salary. Cooke helped provide the funds necessary for the trip.

Massachusetts and New Hampshire Governor

While Belcher was in London in 1729, news of Governor Burnett's sudden death reached the Crown. Belcher stood up and was named governor of Massachusetts and the province of New Hampshire. This has been done in part by bypassing the Board of Trade by addressing the higher ministerial level of government directly. This earned him the enmity of the powerful board secretary Martin Bladen , who spoke out against the appointment.

During Belcher's long tenure, going from 1730 to 1741, one of the longer terms of a Massachusetts colonial governor, he argued to the colony's politicians that he would act in their interests, while also working to convince the London colonial administrators that he would implement their policy. The historian William Pencak writes that in the episode "When trying to get on good terms with the province and the administration he lost the respect of both".


Although viewed with indifference by Belcher, William Shirley achieved political importance and power which he later used to achieve Belcher's impeachment in 1741.

While he was still in London, Belcher arranged for Lieutenant Governor Dummer to be replaced by William Tailer , whose appointment he had ironically prevented in 1715 by lobbying for Dummer's appointment, and recommended that Jeremiah Dummer, with whom his relationship was was seriously burdened when colonial agent was released. He was well received in Massachusetts upon arrival in 1731, but immediately began removing opponents and their supporters from positions over which he was in control. This immediately made everyone aware that he would use patronage as a political weapon.

One of Belcher's early acts was to defend the state religion . As an ardent Congregationalist, this was the established denomination in Massachusetts, he felt the attempts of the supporters of the Church of England as dangerous, in particular the attempt to obtain exemptions from church taxes.

He was willing to grant such an exemption for the relatively small number of Quakers, but he refused to grant it for the numerous and politically well-connected Anglicans until it became clear in 1735 that he would be asked to do so. His support for the Quaker movement earned him a strong support base in the Quaker community in London. In 1735, Belcher presided over a meeting in Deerfield , Massachusetts, at which the Mahican agreed to contact Congregational missionaries and approved the establishment of a mission house. The Mission House was built in 1742 and under that agreement it still stands there today. It is now a National Historic Landmark .

Belcher also tried to improve business conditions in Boston. During his travels to Europe, he had the opportunity to look at the comparatively orderly markets in the Dutch and German cities. He used what he had learned there to reform the previously chaotic markets in Boston. His positive feelings towards Hanover prompted him to name Hanover Street in Boston.

New Hampshire

Richard Waldron, a relative of Belcher, was his right-hand man in the administration of the province of New Hampshire.

Belcher's tenure in New Hampshire started off nicely, but quickly became bitter. He realized that Lieutenant Governor John Wentworth had offered his assistance to Samuel Shute when the governorship became available, and consequently sought retaliation from the entire Wentworth clan. He took over as an ally and confidante Richard Waldron , a bitter opponent of the Wentworths and related by marriage to Belcher. Since John Wentworth had built a large power base with both landowners and provincial merchants during his long tenure as lieutenant governor, this attitude brought him many powerful enemies. Biographer Michael Batinski theorized that Waldron's influence led Belcher to remove many Wentworths and their allies from patronized positions. The Wentworth power base was generally unhappy with the fact that New Hampshire was bound to Massachusetts by the joint governor, and many resented the fact that a Massachusetts man occupied the position. Because of this influence, the New Hampshire Assembly was hostile to Belcher and his opponents were able to convince the Board of Trade to appoint some of them to the Provincial Council even against Belcher's objections. Belcher made repeated unsuccessful attempts to get more sympathetic assemblies, he called for elections ten times during his tenure. The adamant legislature, however, refused to legislate on its proposals.

Belcher was discouraged when David Dunbar was named Lieutenant Governor of New Hampshire after the death of John Wentworth in December 1730. Dunbar, friends of the Wentworth, was also the king's assessor, responsible for identifying trees that would be suitable for use as ship masts. At the same time, he had to ensure that no illegal logging took place on the undeclared lands that were in the entire north of New England. This work contrasted with a significant number of Belcher's supporters who were involved in illegal logging in those lands. This behavior was also explicitly tolerated by the governor. Belcher took all possible steps to ensure that Dunbar was not given substantial powers and refused to appoint him to the council, traveling often from Boston to Portsmouth to exercise his authority personally. The two men disliked each other, and Dunbar sought supporters in London to get Belcher's replacement not long after his appointment in 1731. Illegal logging by Belcher's allies eventually caught the attention of William Shirley, Attorney General of the Provincial Admiralty Court, whose patron was the powerful Duke of Newcastle .

Border disputes

Belcher was unwilling to resolve the longstanding border dispute between New Hampshire and Massachusetts. The disputed area comprised areas west of the Merrimack River at its great arch near present-day Chelmsford , Massachusetts to present-day Concord , New Hampshire. Competing beneficiaries from the two provinces, according to the exclamations of the 1730s, caused an increasingly tense situation with legal steps and minor acts of violence against each other. Despite claims that he was neutral on the matter, Belcher staged circumstances that favored settlement on lands north and west of the Merrimack River by settlers from Massachusetts. The dispute eventually reached the highest levels of government and the courts in England. The forces advocating the separation of Massachusetts in New Hampshire found a spokesman in John Thomlinson, a London merchant with interests in logging, who in 1737 convinced the Board of Trade to set up a commission to deal with the issues of the Boundaries busy. Despite Belcher's attempts to act in legislative processes to the advantage of Massachusetts, for example that the New Hampshire Assembly had only a day to prepare a case for the dispute while that of Massachusetts had several months, the final decision on the borders was made in the year 1739 clearly in favor of New Hampshire.

United opposition

Samuel Waldo, a wealthy Massachusetts businessman with a significant interest in logging, objected to the practice of illegal logging on crown lands, which Belcher tolerated during his tenure as governor.

From 1736 representatives of many of Belcher's political opponents began to grow together into a unified opposition in London. William Shirley, who was looking for a lucrative position, sent his wife to London to promote him on his behalf. They made common cause with Samuel Waldo , a wealthy timber merchant whose supply contracts with the Royal Navy were damaged by the illegal logging tolerated by Belcher. David Dunbar resigned as Lieutenant Governor in 1737 and traveled to London, where he presented documentation of the deforestation. These forces united with Thomlinson in an effort to organize the replacement of Belcher, preferably with Shirley in Massachusetts and Benning Wentworth in New Hampshire.

The situation became more complicated in 1739 due to the politics of London and a monetary crisis in Massachusetts. Belcher had been ordered to withdraw a large amount of paper money from Massachusetts in 1741 and the right to do so was denied by the Board of Trade , leading to the establishment of competing banks in the province. A faction dominated by landowners proposed a state bank, while merchants wanted a bank that would issue silver-backed paper . This was in 1741 when a law was passed that expanded the Bubble Act , passed in 1720 , which did not allow unknown companies in the colonies. Probably the legislation had been favored by John Thomlinson.

As the Massachusetts crisis boiled, the rising Duke of Newcastle successfully pressured Prime Minister Robert Walpole to declare war on Spain in the War of Jenkins' Ear in 1739 . It was part of the war strategy to use the provincial forces in operations against Spanish business activity in the West Indies . Belcher, who was expected to recruit about 400 men, promised 1,000 men, but was only able to recruit about 500 men in Massachusetts and less than 100 men as he had promised for New Hampshire. In part, this was due to the reluctance of companies to travel to the Caribbean with no guarantees of payment or equipment. Belcher, in pursuit of the finance agenda, revoked bills to introduce an issue currency called to fund the militia.

The exact reasons for the dismissal of Belcher have as a recurring topic scientific interests, due to the many forces in which colonial, imperial and political factors played a role. Two main theses within these analyzes are the acquisition of many local enemies of Belcher and the idea that an imperial government in London eventually demanded his replacement. Before this was discussed in 1739, most efforts to overthrow Belcher had failed: Belcher himself noted in the year that the war in which he was involved was similar to what has always been the case in the past 9 years. "The war in the I was drawn, continues in the same way as in the past 9 years. " ("The warr I am ingag'd in is carrying on in much the same manner as for 9 years past.")

Historian Stephen Foster also notes that someone as powerful as Newcastle at the time tended to have much more important issues to deal with than mediating colonial policy. In this case, however, imperial and colonial considerations outweighed the need for Massachusetts to provide a designated significant number of troops for the Newcastle expedition to the West Indies. In April 1740, Newcastle gave Shirley the opportunity to prove, against the background of Belcher's political difficulties, that he could raise troops more effectively than the governor. Shirley was therefore consistently active in recruiting, mostly outside of Massachusetts, where Belcher had previously turned down his offers of help because he understood what was happening and inundated Newcastle with documentary of his successes while Belcher was drawn in by the banking crisis. Newcastle passed this on to Martin Bladen, Secretary to the Board of Trade and a well-known opponent of Belcher. The Board of Trade decided this evidence on the basis that Belcher had to be replaced. In April 1741, the Privy Council appointed William Shirley as governor of Massachusetts and Benning Wentworth as governor of New Hampshire followed in June.

Governor of New Jersey

Belcher was influenced by the theology and preaching of several Calvinist clergymen, including George Whitefield (pictured here) who became associated with that of the First Great Awakening movement .

The fact that Shirley had ousted him came as a surprise to Belcher. He had expected to lose the governorship of New Hampshire but was shocked when news of Shirley's appointment arrived. After Shirley's inauguration, Belcher retired to his estate in Milton. Seemingly restless and in financial distress, he expressed weak interest in the possibility of an appointment in another colony, and in 1743 he traveled to England after a stop in Dublin where he visited his son Jonathan Jr. When he arrived in London, he joined the Congregationalist and Quaker communities. The latter included his brother-in-law Richard Partridge, among other influential members, and he spoke to the colonial administrators in the hope of a different position. He stayed in London for three years until news reached him in 1746 that the Governor of the Province of New Jersey, Lewis Morris, had died. Since Quakers had strong political influence in New Jersey, he immediately began to mobilize supporters in the London Quaker community, who supported him in the search for this position. Through this operation he was able to secure the office before agents for Morris' son Robert Hunter Morris had time to organize their efforts for the office.

He served as colonial governor of New Jersey from 1747 until his death in 1757. A year after his arrival in Burlington , the then capital, he was second married to Luise Teale, a widow he had met in London in September 1748. The political situation into which he came was very bitter, there had been fighting and widespread differences over land between the landowners who controlled the Provincial Council and farmers and tenants who controlled the Assembly in previous years . Most of the laws passed since 1744 because of the inability of the Assembly, Council, and Governor to resolve these differences. Governor Morris' high-handed measures in support of the landowners had united the previously divided populist parties against him and the council.

The province was also a rural patchwork of diverse cultures and religions, in contrast to the dominant English and New England congregationalists. Elizabethtown, near New York, was heavily populated by evangelical Christians, including Reverend Aaron Burr . Belcher was warmly received there. He attended church services regularly and was influenced by preachers including George Whitefield and Jonathan Edwards , both leaders of the First Great Awakening. He also exchanged correspondence with them.

Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Belcher-Ogden House in Elizabeth, New Jersey, is the seat of the governor of the New Jersey colony

Though Belcher's arrival sparked some benevolence resulting from using banknotes to fund the government and preoccupation with ongoing counterfeiting of colonial paper currency, divisions soon emerged along the same cutting lines. Belcher believed that the land issue should be resolved through negotiation between the parties and seek a position as a neutral arbitrator of the dispute. Having been promoted to office by anti- proprietary interests, he refused to unconditionally support the Council in the direction of proprietary interests, and he received little support from the Assembly. With the Assembly and the Council divided over how to tax undeveloped land that the landowners owned in large quantities, the government found itself in financial straits between 1748 and 1751.

One controversial matter that Belcher was able to resolve was the establishment of the College of New Jersey, now Princeton University . The college was run by New Jersey Evangelical Presbyters with whom Belcher could make religious agreements. However, Quaker leaders and landowners had great reservations about the Presbyterians' claims to charter the school on the grounds that it was to be used as a vehicle for the re-education of their children, and Governor Morris had refused to do so to grant. After his death, the president of the council, John Hamilton, acted amicably with Belchers and granted the charter. The opponents of the college put pressure on Belcher to revoke the charter. However, he took this as a reason to support the university and obtained a variety of religious views from the board. When the first buildings were erected in 1754, the college's board wanted to name them after Belcher, but hesitated and preferred that they be named in honor of King Williams , who came from the Dutch House of Orange-Nassau . The building that still exists is known as Nassau Hall . He also supported the establishment of a library, to which he bequeathed his personal book collection. Government remained divided until the Seven Years War in North America that broke out in 1754. After that, the requirements for the support of the military action brought some unity. The Assembly refused to increase militia funding in 1755 because Belcher refused to authorize the issue of additional banknotes. They later agreed to calls for more security but were reluctant to support the militia in taking action outside the provincial borders. Congregation members also complained that their meetings were held too frequently in Elizabethtown, largely because of Belcher's poor health.

For most of his tenure in New Jersey, Belcher was ill and suffered from progressive paralysis . In the summer of 1751 he moved from Burlington to Elizabethtown in the hope that his health would improve, but that hope was not fulfilled. Sometimes his hands were paralyzed, and then his wife had to write for him. He died at his home in Elizabethtown on August 31, 1757. He was taken to Massachusetts and buried in Cambridge.


Belcher's son Jonathan Belcher

Belcher's youngest son, Jonathan , was appointed Chief Justice of the Nova Scotia Supreme Court and was Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia. His other son Andrew continued the family business and was also elected to the Massachusetts Governor's Council . Belcher had no children with his second wife, Louise, but urged his son Andrew to marry Louise's daughter from his first marriage. Belcher was the uncle of the later Massachusetts Lieutenant Governor Andrew Oliver and Massachusetts Superior Court of Judicature Chief Justice Peter Oliver , he was also the great-great-grandfather of British Admiral Edward Belcher .

Belcher had a reputation for being an abrasive personality, something that contemporaries said fueled the divisions in New Jersey. The historian Robert Zemsky wrote of Belcher:

[He] was almost a caricature of a New England Yankee : arrogant, vindictive, often impetuous despite a most solemn belief in rational action and calculated maneuver.

"[He] was almost like a caricature of a New England Yankee: arrogant, vengeful, often impetuous despite the most solemn belief in rational action and calculating maneuvers"

- Zemsky

When he won the office of governor, he took potential attacks on his power personally and responded vengefully in attempts to destroy or marginalize his opponents. In personal correspondence with friends, family, and dependents, he used condescending names to belittle his opponents and he put pressure on the Boston press to ensure more favorable coverage of himself.


Belchertown, Massachusetts was named after him. His home in Elizabethtown stood the test of time and is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places as the Belcher-Ogden House . It is located in the Belcher-Ogden Mansion-Price, Benjamin-Price-Brittan Houses District . Belcher's summer home in Milton, Massachusetts was destroyed by fire in 1776. Some parts of it may have survived their replacement when what is now known as Belcher-Rowe House was constructed by his widow . This house is also listed on the National Register.

Individual evidence

  1. Since the Julian calendar was still in use in England at that time , the year began on March 25th. In order to avoid confusion between the dates of the Gregorian calendar , which was already in use in other parts of Europe, the dates between January and March were often given with information on both years. Dates in this article prior to 1752 refer to the Julian calendar unless otherwise noted.
  2. a b Batinski, page 4
  3. ^ Hatfield, 377
  4. Batinski, page 5
  5. Batinski, pages 7-8
  6. Batinski, p. 16
  7. a b Batinski, pp. 56, 149
  8. Batinski, page 8
  9. Batinski, page 9
  10. ^ Peterson (2009), 333
  11. Batinski, pages 12-13
  12. Batinski, pages 14-16
  13. Batinski, page 12
  14. Batinski
  15. Batinski, pp. 16-17
  16. Batinski, pp. 17-18
  17. Batinski, pages 20-22
  18. a b Peterson (2002), page 14
  19. ^ Peterson (2002), 15
  20. Allegro, page 17
  21. ^ Hyde, page 5
  22. Gillespie and Curtis, pp. 25-26
  23. a b Bishop et al., P. 508
  24. Phelps, pp. 13-14
  25. Old New-Gate Prison and Copper Mine , accessed March 2, 2015.
  26. Batinski, page 24
  27. ^ Phelps, p. 10
  28. Hinman, p. 418
  29. ^ Phelps, p. 14
  30. a b Batinski, page 50
  31. ^ Barry, p. 104
  32. Batinski, page 25
  33. Barry, p. 105
  34. ^ Kimball, 199
  35. Pencak, page 78
  36. Batinski, pp. 40-42
  37. Batinski, pp. 42-44
  38. ^ Currier, p. 319
  39. Batinski, p. 46
  40. Batinski, pp. 46–47
  41. ^ Pencak, page 62
  42. ^ Pencak, p. 92
  43. Zemsky, p. 105
  44. Batinski, pp. 66-67
  45. Batinski, page 68
  46. Batinski, pp. 68-70
  47. ^ Mission House at Geographic Names Information System
  48. ^ Peterson (2009), 336
  49. ^ Peterson (2009), 367
  50. Batinski, pp. 107-109
  51. Batinski, page 111
  52. Batinski, pp. 113-114
  53. Daniell, pp. 204-205
  54. a b Batinski, pages 112-114
  55. ^ Daniell, page 205
  56. Batinski, page 130
  57. a b Daniell, page 135
  58. a b Zemsky, pages 113-114
  59. Batinski, page 120
  60. Batinski, pp. 121-122, 133
  61. Zemsky, pp. 108-109, 113
  62. Batinski, pp. 120-124
  63. Zemsky, pp. 114–119
  64. Zemsky, page 130
  65. Batinski, p. 143
  66. Batinski, page 133
  67. Batinski, pp. 139-140
  68. ^ Foster, page 194
  69. Batinski, p. 141
  70. ^ Foster, page 180, Reference is made here to documents that are based on at least seven scientific approaches to the topic, including Batinski and Semski.
  71. ^ Foster, page 181
  72. ^ Foster, page 188
  73. Foster, pp. 189-190
  74. ^ Foster, page 190
  75. Wood, pp. 84-89
  76. Foster, pages 194-197
  77. Foster, pp. 197-198
  78. ^ Wood, p. 89
  79. ^ Shipton, 153
  80. Protection, page 40
  81. Batinski, pp. 150-151
  82. Batinski, pages 151-152
  83. a b Batinski, page 158
  84. ^ Fisher, 145
  85. Batinski, pp. 153-156
  86. Batinski, page 154
  87. Batinski, page 153
  88. a b Batinski, page 159
  89. ^ Fisher, pp. 133-136
  90. Batinski, page 157
  91. ^ Fisher, pp. 140-152
  92. ^ Maclean, page 70
  93. ^ Princeton University Catalog
  94. ^ Princeton University Catalog , page 153
  95. ^ Fisher, pp. 160-161
  96. ^ Fisher, 162
  97. Batinski, page 165
  98. Batinski, page 171
  99. ^ Trask, page 207
  100. S. Buggey
  101. ^ Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society , 67
  102. ^ Hoyt, p. 241
  103. Batinski, page 166
  104. Stark, pp. 181, 188
  105. Fenety, page 354
  106. Batinski, p. 156
  107. Zemsky, p. 102
  108. Zemsky, page 108
  109. Batinski, p. 109
  110. Batinski, p. 84
  111. ^ Gannett, 41
  112. ^ NRHP nomination for Belcher-Ogden Mansion-Price, Benjamin-Price-Brittan Houses District
  113. ^ Cultural Inventory Record for Belcher-Rowe House


  • James Allegro, "Increasing and Strengthening the Country": Law, Politics, and the Antislavery Movement in Early-Eighteenth-Century Massachusetts Bay . In: The New England Quarterly . No. Volume 75, No. 1, March 2002.
  • Joseph Barry: History of Massachusetts . No. 2 . Philips and Sampson, Boston 1855, OCLC 19089435 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  • Michael Batinski: Jonathan Belcher, Colonial Governor . University Press of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 1996, ISBN 978-0-8131-1946-5 .
  • John Bishop, Edwin Freedley, Edward Young: A History of American Manufactures . Edward Young and Co, Philadelphia 1864, OCLC 2171081 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • S Buggey: Biography of Jonathan Belcher . Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online. Retrieved March 4, 2013.
  • Cultural Inventory Record for Belcher-Rowe House . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Retrieved January 16, 2013.
  • Cultural Inventory Record for Jonathan Belcher House . Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Retrieved January 16, 2013.
  • John James Currier: Ould Newbury: Historical and Biographical Sketches . Damrell and Upham, Boston 1895, OCLC 2482841 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  • Jere Daniell: Colonial New Hampshire: A History . KTO Press, Millwood, NY 1981, ISBN 978-0-527-18715-6 .
  • George Fenety: Life and Times of the Hon. Joseph Howe . ES Carter, Saint John, NB 1896, OCLC 5738697 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • Edgar Fisher: New Jersey as a Royal Province, 1738 to 1776 . tape 41 . Longmans, Green, New York 1911, OCLC 153851323 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • Stephen Foster: Another Legend of the Province House: Jonathan Belcher, William Shirley, and the Misconstruction of the Imperial Relationship . In: The New England Quarterly . No. Edition 77, No. 2, June 2004.
  • Henry Gannett: The Origin of Certain Place Names in the United States . Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 1905, OCLC 1156805 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • Charles Gillespie, George Curtis: An Historic Record and Pictorial Description of the Town of Meriden, Connecticut . Journal Publishing Co, Meriden, CT 1906, OCLC 35898838 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • Edwin Francis Hatfield: History of Elizabeth, New Jersey: Including the Early History of Union County . Carleton and Lanahan, New York 1868, OCLC 123118175 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  • Royal Ralph Hinman: A Catalog of the Names of the Early Puritan Settlers of the Colony of Connecticut . Case, Tiffany, Hartford, CT 1852, OCLC 10981579 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • Albert (ed) Hoyt: New England Historical and Genealogical Register . No. 27 . New England Historical and Genealogical Society, Boston 1873, OCLC 5304502 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • William Hyde: An Address, Delivered at the Opening of the new Townhall, Ware, Mass., March 31, 1847: Containing Sketches of the Early History of that Town, and its First Settlers . Merriam and Cook, Brookfield, MA 1847, OCLC 11888596 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • Everett Kimball: The Public Life of Joseph Dudley . Longmans, Green, New York 1911, OCLC 1876620 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  • John Maclean: History of the College of New Jersey, at Princeton . tape 1 . Lulu, 1877, ISBN 978-1-4303-0196-7 .
  • The Mission House . The Trustees of Reservations. Retrieved February 11, 2013.
  • William Trask (Ed.): New England Historical and Genealogical Register . tape XIX . New England Historical and Genealogical Society, Boston 1865, OCLC 5304502 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • Old New-Gate Prison and Copper Mine . State of Connecticut. Retrieved February 19, 2013.
  • NRHP nomination for Belcher-Ogden Mansion-Price, Benjamin-Price-Brittan Houses District . National Park Service. Retrieved January 16, 2013.
  • William Pencak: War, Politics and Revolution in Provincial Massachusetts . Northeastern University Press, Boston 1981, ISBN 978-0-930350-10-9 .
  • Mark Peterson: The Selling of Joseph: Bostonians, Antislavery, and the Protestant International, 1689-1733 . In: Massachusetts Historical Review . No. 4 , 2002.
  • Richard Phelps: A History of Newgate of Connecticut, at Simsbury, now East Granby . J. Munsell, Albany, NY 1860, OCLC 1114495 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  • Princeton University Catalog . Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 1922, OCLC 5542866 ( limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, Issue 16 . Self-published, Boston 1903, OCLC 1695300 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  • Clifton Shipton: New England Life in the Eighteenth Century . Belknap Press, Cambridge, MA 1995, ISBN 978-0-674-61251-8 .
  • John Schutz: William Shirley, King's Governor of Massachusetts . University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC 1961, ISBN 978-0-8078-0830-6 .
  • James Stark: The Loyalists of Massachusetts . JH Stark, Boston 1907, OCLC 1655711 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  • George Arthur Wood: William Shirley, Governor of Massachusetts, 1741–1756, a History . Columbia University, New York 1920 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  • Robert Zemsky: Merchants, Farmers, and River Gods . Gambit, Boston 1971, OCLC 138981 .

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