Jean Déré

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Jean Déré (born June 23, 1886 in Niort , † December 6, 1970 in Mayenne ) was a French music teacher and composer.

Déré was introduced to classical music by his father, who was an organist and choirmaster in Niort, and performed publicly at the age of six. From 1897 he studied at the Conservatoire de Paris , where he was a student of Louis Diémer , Albert Lavignac , Georges Caussade , Charles Lenepveu , Jules Massenet and Charles Marie Widor .

The first compositions, including a symphonic poem and an opera, were written as early as the First World War. During this time, he also taught in Niort and temporarily represented Widor as organist at the Saint-Sulpice church , where he also met Albert Schweitzer several times .

Since the competition and the Prix ​​de Rome were suspended during the war, Déré had already exceeded the maximum age of thirty years set in the rules when he took part in 1919. He won the Second Second Grand Prix with the cantata Le Poéte et la Fée .

He then taught counterpoint at the Conservatoire de Paris before he worked here from 1937 to 1956 as a professor of solfège and harmony. Dédé also worked for radio with Daniel Inghelbrecht , Élisabeth Brasseur and Igor Stravinsky . He always remained active as a composer and composed numerous church music works in addition to orchestral and choral works and chamber music.


  • Sonata for piano and violin
  • Trio for piano, violin and violoncello
  • Poème de la mer , symphonic poem in three parts
  • Au seuil des arènes , opera in three acts
  • Esquisses sketches , ten pieces for orchestra
  • Krishna , symphonic poetry
  • Trois Esquisses for piano and orchestra
  • Incidental music for Faustus by Christopher Marlowe
  • Andante et Scherzo for clarinet and piano
  • Suite brève et disparate for violoncello and piano
  • Chant héroïque for violoncello and piano
  • Deux sonates and Trois sonatines for violin and piano
  • Trois sonatines for piano
  • A la campagne for piano
  • Trois marines for piano
  • Trois danses anciennes for piano
  • Chants arabes after Franz Toussaint
  • Les Saintes du Paradis , song cycle based on Rémy de Gourmont
  • Jeux et chansons à la mode de chez nous
  • Cinq Repons pour les funérailles: Libera me, Domine, Subvenite, In paradisum, Credo quod Redemptor and Qui Lazarum .