Adrian Albinus

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Adrian Albinus (also Hadrian Albinus , actually white ; born October 21, 1513 in Lauban ; † July 4, 1590 in Küstrin ) was a German legal scholar.


Albinus attended school in Schweidnitz and studied at the University of Kraków , where he received his master's degree and completed a law degree. He then went to the St. Elisabeth School in Breslau as a teacher . In the summer semester of 1532 he enrolled at the University of Wittenberg as court master of Kilian Metzler, heard lectures from Hieronymus Schurff and worked as a printer's proofreader. With his student Metzler he traveled to Italy, where he received his doctorate in law from the University of Bologna and also stayed at the French University of Orléans .

In the winter semester of 1541 he was at the University of Leipzig , where he held private lectures, and married there in 1542. In the summer semester of 1543 he moved to the Brandenburg University of Frankfurt , where he became professor for the Institutiones Iustiniani on September 8 and on October 29, 1544 for the Pandects became. In the winter semester of 1543/1544 he was the rectorate of the university. On September 2, 1545 he became councilor of Margrave Johann (Brandenburg-Küstrin) .

After he had married Anna (1547–1591), the daughter of the Chancellor of the Neumark Guarus Weigand , in 1567 , he died after some time of his work.
