Walter Rothkegel

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Walter Rothkegel (born November 9, 1874 in Groß-Strehlitz , Upper Silesia , † November 3, 1959 in Berlin-Dahlem ) was a German geodesist , political scientist, soil scientist and tax scientist. The “Law on the Estimation of Cultivated Soil in Germany” ( Reich Soil Estimation ) issued in 1934 was essentially based on his ideas .

Live and act

Rothkegel, son of a high school professor , studied surveying at the Agricultural University in Berlin and in 1897 joined the Prussian land registry administration ; There he worked in Silesia, Westphalia and the Rhineland and for some time headed the Tempelhof land registry office (near Berlin) before the First World War . At an early stage he became interested in the evaluation of soils. From 1907 to 1911 he studied political science at the University of Berlin. In 1920 he obtained his doctorate there with the dissertation " Investigations into land prices, rents and land debt in a suburb of Berlin ". phil. From 1925 to 1945 he worked in the Reich Ministry of Finance in Berlin and, together with his closest colleague, Dr. Heinrich Herzog (1896–1969) did a fruitful job in the field of soil appraisal . The “ Law on the Estimation of the Cultivated Soil ” in Germany (Reichsbodeneschvaluation), passed on October 16, 1934, was based primarily on his ideas and his initiative.

Rothkegel is the author of several books on soil appraisal. His most important work is the two-volume handbook on the theory of appraisals for land properties (1930/32). From 1923 Rothkegel had a teaching position at the Agricultural University Berlin, later at the Technical University Berlin . Since 1936 he has held the title of honorary professor. In 1952 the Technical University of Berlin awarded him an honorary doctorate.

Walter Rothkegel died in Berlin in 1959, just a week before his 85th birthday. His grave is in the Dahlem forest cemetery .

Major works

  • Handbook of the doctrine of real estate appraisals . 2 vols., Verlag Paul Parey Berlin 1930 u. 1932.
  • Law on the Appraisal of the Cultivated Soil . Explained by Walter Rothkegel and Heinrich Herzog (commentary). Verlag C. Heymann Berlin 1935 = Taschen-Gesetzsammlung No. 168.
  • Agricultural appraisal . Verlag Eugen Ulmer Stuttgart (currently Ludwigsburg) 1947; 2nd edition, ibid. 1952.
  • Outline of the forestry appraisal theory . Publishing house Paul Parey Berlin and Hamburg 1949.
  • Historical development of soil assessments and nature and significance of the German soil assessment . Publishing house Eugen Ulmer Stuttgart (currently Ludwigsburg) 1952.


  • Dr. Sachs: Professor W. Rothkegel 80 years old . In: Communications from the German Agricultural Society, vol. 69, 1954, p. 1086.
  • H. Herzog: Professor Dr. Walter Rothkegel died . In: Communications from the German Agricultural Society, vol. 74, 1959, p. 1418.
  • H. Dräger: Prof. Dr. Rothkegel † . In: Allgemeine Vermessungs-Nachrichten (Berlin) 1960, p. 23.
  • Hans-Joachim Mohr and Ulrich Ratzke: 75 years of uniform soil appraisal in Germany 1934–2009 . Published by the Thünengesellschaft e. V. Tellow 2009.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans-Jürgen Mende: Lexicon of Berlin burial places . Pharus-Plan, Berlin 2018, ISBN 978-3-86514-206-1 , p. 587.