Ingvar Carlsson

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Ingvar Carlsson, 2013 Ingvar Carlssons namnteckning.JPG

Gösta Ingvar Carlsson [ ˈjɶsta iŋvar ˈkɑːɭsɔn ] (born November 9, 1934 in Borås ) is a former Swedish politician. He was the Swedish Prime Minister from 1986 to 1991 and from 1994 to 1996.

Ingvar Carlsson grew up in a working-class family and studied political science at Lund University . At a young age he became a member of the Sveriges socialdemokratiska arbetareparti (SAP). After completing his studies, he began to work in the government chancellery under Prime Minister Tage Erlander in 1958 . Between 1961 and 1967 Carlsson was chairman of the Social Democratic Youth Association. In 1964 he became a member of the Reichstag for the first time and in 1967 he was cabinet secretary. After Olof Palme's inauguration in 1969, Ingvar Carlsson first took over the office of Minister of Education and then from 1973 until the defeat in the 1976 parliamentary elections as Minister for Housing. When the SAP was able to take over the government again after the Reichstag elections in 1982, he became Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Future Issues in Olof Palme's cabinet. In 1985 he also became Sweden's first Minister for the Environment . After the murder of Olof Palme on February 28, 1986, Ingvar Carlsson took over the party chairmanship and the office of prime minister, which he held until 1996 - with one interruption between 1991 and 1994. In 1996 Ingvar Carlsson retired.

Ingvar Carlsson's political work is strongly influenced by his close collaboration with Olof Palme, whose politics he continued after 1986. During Ingvar Carlsson's reign, Sweden joined the EU , for which Ingvar Carlsson was strongly committed. However, he could not prevent the division of the Social Democratic Party, the majority of which are against the EU, on this issue.

Web links

Commons : Ingvar Carlsson  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files
Wikiquote: Ingvar Carlsson  - Quotes (Swedish)