Carlo Hemmerling

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Carlo Hemmerling (actually Charles-Henri Hemmerling ; born November 9, 1903 in Vevey ; † October 3, 1967 in Cully ) was a Swiss composer, pianist and organist.

Hemmerling first studied theoretical subjects at the Conservatoire de Lausanne with Alexandre Denéréaz and Henri Gagnebin , piano with Robert Gayrhos and private organ lessons with François Demierre . In 1925 he entered the composition class of Paul Dukas at the École normal de musique in Paris . Hemmerling then worked from 1931 to 1956 as director of the Union chorale in Vevey. In 1955 he composed the music for the Fête des Vignerons in Vevey, for which the author Géo H. Blanc provided the text. From 1956 until his death in 1967 of the Conservatoire de Lausanne ; Hemmerling also served as President of SUISA from 1960 .

Hemmerling composed over 140 choral works and works for voice and piano as well as for chamber music.


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