Engelbert Arndts

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Engelbert Arndts (born February 16, 1750 in Arnsberg ; † October 31, 1819 there ) was a lawyer, imperial postmaster and high official in the Duchy of Westphalia .

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Arndts was half-brother of Anton Wilhelm Stephan Arndts . He studied in Göttingen and was appointed fiscal advocate in the Duchy of Westphalia in 1771. A year later he took over from his father also the site of an imperial postmaster of the Thurn and Taxis operated Imperial Reichspost . In 1774 Arndts married Therese Antonette Maria Floret with whom he had five children. In 1776 he first joined the Duchy of Westphalia as an assessor. A year later he was councilor and in 1779 also electoral councilor. In this position he was next to the pastors of Arnsberg and Menden chairman of the newly established school commission to improve the education system. In 1781 he also became a member of the Medical Council under the Landdrosten Franz Wilhelm von Spiegel , which he took over as head in 1786. In addition, Arndts was a judge in Arnsberg from 1782 and a defender from 1784. In 1785 he was appointed commissioner and advisor for criminal matters at Landdrosten and the Landstands . From 1787 Arndts was also a permanent deputy at the meetings of the quarterly meetings and the estates. In 1791 he refused to move to the Higher Appeal Court in Bonn for family reasons. In the same year he took part in the founding of the literary society and became the club's syndic. After the Duchy of Westphalia passed to Hessen-Darmstadt , he became a member of the Arnsberg government and the court chamber. He was also a forest judge from 1805.

Arndts is buried in the Eichholzfriedhof in Arnsberg.


  • Karl Feaux de Lacroix: History of Arnsberg. Arnsberg, 1895 (reprint Werl, 1983) p. 462

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