Christian von Stökken

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Christian von Stökken, contemporary copper engraving

Christian von Stökken (born August 15, 1633 in Rendsburg ; † September 4, 1684 ibid) was a German Baroque poet , Evangelical Lutheran pastor and general superintendent in the Duchy of Schleswig .


Son of a councilor, Stökken spent his first school years in his native Rendsburg, but later moved to Lüneburg, where he completed his high school studies at the Johanneum . In 1652 he enrolled first in Leipzig and then continued his theological studies in Rostock , where he obtained his master's degree in 1655. At first he hired himself as a private tutor, but received his first pastor's position at St. John's Church in Trittau as early as 1656 , where he promptly married the widow of his predecessor. In 1666 he received the call to the episcopal court preacher and superintendent at St. Michaelis in Eutin .

Returning to theological studies again, he received his doctorate in 1674 at the University of Kiel . In 1678 he was given the general superintendence for the royal share in Schleswig and Holstein with the official seat in his home town of Rendsburg , which he held until his death.

In poetic circles he soon acquired a reputation as a gifted poet of hymns . In 1675, Philipp von Zesen accepted him into the German-minded cooperative under the name Der Andächtige . Throughout his life he remained a sincere admirer of Zesen and even imitated its bizarre orthography in places, which exposed him to the criticism of some contemporaries.


On February 9, 1657 von Stökken married Margarethe (April 4, 1621 - May 11, 1682). She was the daughter of the Hamburg merchant Johann Grave and his wife Dorothea Spitzenberger and widow of the Trittau pastor Bernhard Lösebeck, Stökken's predecessor in office. In his second marriage he married Ida Walter on April 17, 1683 in Rendsburg, who did not die before 1717. She was the daughter of the former commandant von Tönning and Danish major general Hans Walter (1618–1677) and Dorothea Hecklauer (1633–1669).

Von Stökken's first marriage had two daughters and two sons:

  • Heinrich von Stökken worked as a pastor.
  • Friedrich Gerhard (1660 – after 1725) was bailiff in Oldenburg and Elsfleth and a Danish councilor.
  • Anna Catharina (1664–1682) married the royal high commissioner and land rent master for the counties of Oldenburg and Delmenhorst named Christian Burchard von Felden.

The son Hans Heinrich (* 1684) came from von Stökken's second marriage. He was a Danish resident in The Hague and in 1721 became governor in Stad- und Butjadingerland (county of Oldenburg).

Stökken's brothers are the lawyer Gerhard von Stökken (1629–1681) and the Danish rentmaster and general war commissioner Heinrich von Stöcken (1631–1681).

Works (selection)

  • Retuned David's harp. Schleswig 1656
  • Holy Peace Work. Glückstadt 1662
  • Sacred heart sigh. Lübeck 1668
  • Holy Passion paintings . Frankfurt / M. 1674 ( digital copy of the copy in the Herzog August Library )
  • Holy Supper Music. Ploen 1676

Individual evidence

  1. See Christian von Stökken's matriculation in the Rostock matriculation portal
  2. See the entry of Christian von Stökken's master's degree in the Rostock matriculation portal
  3. ^ Dieter Lohmeier, Karl F. Otto: Stöcken, Christian von . in: Schleswig-Holstein biographical lexicon . Volume 5. Wachholtz, Neumünster 1979. ISBN 3-529-02645-X , page 246.
  4. ^ Dieter Lohmeier, Karl F. Otto: Stöcken, Christian von . in: Schleswig-Holstein biographical lexicon . Volume 5. Wachholtz, Neumünster 1979. ISBN 3-529-02645-X , page 246.
  5. ^ Dieter Lohmeier, Karl F. Otto: Stöcken, Christian von . in: Schleswig-Holstein biographical lexicon . Volume 5. Wachholtz, Neumünster 1979. ISBN 3-529-02645-X , pages 246-247.


List of works and references

  • Gerhard Dünnhaupt : "Christian von Stökken (1633-1684)", in: Personalbibliographien zu den Druck des Barock , Vol. 3. Stuttgart: Hiersemann 1993, pp. 3973-88. ISBN 3-7772-9305-9

Web links

predecessor Office successor
Johann Hudemann General superintendent for Schleswig's royal share
1678 - 1684
Joshua Schwartz
Johann Hudemann General superintendent for Holstein royal share
1678 - 1684
Hermann Erdmann