Wolfgang Jost

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Wolfgang Jost (born August 15, 1959 in Landau in the Palatinate ) is a German neurologist and university professor .

Professional background

Wolfgang Jost studied human medicine at the Johann-Wolfgang-von-Goethe University , Frankfurt / Main and the Johannes-Gutenberg-University , Mainz. At the same time he was enrolled in economics and a Magister Artium (psychology, pedagogy and sociology). After completing his studies, he began specialist training as a neurologist at the Saarland University Hospital in Homburg , which he completed as a neurologist and later supplemented with a specialization in pain therapy. From 1995 to 2013 he was head of the neurology / pain therapy department at the German Clinic for Diagnostics in Wiesbaden. On July 1, 2013 he took over the medical management of the Parkinson Clinic Ortenau , Wolfach. He also works at the University Clinic in Freiburg im Breisgau.

Wolfgang Jost has published over 250 papers in peer-reviewed journals. He is on the board of several magazines and on the board of several companies.

Scientific career

In 1989, Wolfgang Jost successfully completed his doctorate at the University of Mainz. He completed his habilitation in 1995 at the University of Homburg / Saar. In 2000 he was given a full professorship by the State of Hesse, and in 2002 an extraordinary professorship by Saarland University. From August 1995 to June 2013 he was head of the neurology department at the German Clinic for Diagnostics in Wiesbaden. Since July 1, 2013, he has been chief physician at the Parkinson Clinic Ortenau, Wolfach and also at the Neurological University Clinic Freiburg im Breisgau.

Publications (selection)

  • Pelvic Floor Neurology . Chapman & Hall, London-Glasgow-Weinheim 1997
  • Botulinum toxin in painful diseases . Karger, Basel 2003
  • Pelvic Floor Neurology : Neurourology. Uni-med Verlag, Bremen-London-Boston 2004
  • Therapy of advanced Parkinson's disease . Uni-med Verlag, Bremen-London-Boston 2007, 2nd edition 2012
  • The Treatment of Advanced Parkinson's Disease . Uni-Med Verlag, Bremen, 2008
  • Diagnosis of Parkinson's Syndrome . Uni-med Verlag, Bremen-London-Boston, 2008
  • Pictorial Atlas of Botulinum Toxin Injection . 2008/2012 (published in English, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Japanese)
  • Botulinum Toxin Injection Atlas . 3. Edition. KVM-Verlag, Marburg 2018
  • Neurocoloproctology - pelvic floor neurology . 2nd Edition. Uni-Med Verlag, Bremen-London-Boston 2009
  • Therapy of idiopathic Parkinson's syndrome . 10th edition. Uni-med Verlag, Bremen 2018
  • with Oliver Selbach: Therapy of Migraine , UNI-MED Verlag AG, Bremen 2001, ISBN 3-89599-553-3
  • with CA Haensch: The autonomous nervous system , Kohlhammer-Verlag, Stuttgart, 2009

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. pubmed