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14th century |
15th century
| 16th century
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1450s |
1460s |
1470s |
| 1490s
| 1500s
| 1510s
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1481 |
1482 |
1483 |
1484 |
| 1486
| 1487
| 1488
| 1489
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1485 | |
Richard III falls at the Battle of Bosworth Field . |
Marco Barbarigo becomes Doge of Venice . |
With the division of Leipzig , the brothers Ernst and Albrecht III. the Duchy of Saxony among themselves. |
1485 in other calendars | |
Armenian calendar | 933/934 (turn of the year July) |
Ethiopian calendar | 1477/78 |
Aztec calendar | 5. Feuerstein - Macuilli Tecpatl (until the end of January / beginning of February: 4th pipes - Nahui Acatl ) |
Buddhist calendar | 2028/29 (southern Buddhism); 2027/28 (alternative calculation according to Buddhas Parinirvana ) |
Chinese calendar | 69th (70th) cycle
Year of the wood snake乙巳 ( at the beginning of the year wood dragon 甲辰) |
Chula Sakarat (Siam, Myanmar) / Dai calendar (Vietnam) | 847/848 (turn of the year April) |
Dangun era (Korea) | 3818/19 (October 2-3) |
Iranian calendar | 863/864 |
Islamic calendar | 889/890 (turn of the year January 17th / 18th) |
Jewish calendar | 5245/46 (9/10 September) |
Coptic calendar | 1201/02 |
Malayalam calendar | 660/661 |
Seleucid era | Babylon: 1795/96 (turn of the year April)
Syria: 1796/97 (turn of the year October) |
Spanish era | 1523 |
Vikram Sambat (Nepalese Calendar) | 1541/42 (turn of the year April) |
Politics and world events
Wars of the Roses in England
August 22nd : In the battle of Bosworth Field , Henry Tudor, later Henry VII , defeated the reigning King Richard III together with John de Vere, 13th Earl of Oxford . from the house of York , who fell in battle. One of the determining factors in the outcome of the battle is that Richard's allies Thomas Stanley and William Stanley switch sides. This ended the Wars of the Roses for the British throne . The House of Tudor takes power in England .
- October 30th : Henry VII is crowned King of England in London .
- November: The English Parliament repeals the declaration Titulus Regius from the previous year and declares Richard III. and 28 of his followers high traitors. Richard's immediate heir, John de la Pole, Earl of Lincoln , is exempt from this rule.
- December 10 : Henry VII, on the urgent advice of Henry VII, promises to marry Elizabeth of York , Edward IV's daughter , in order to consolidate his claims to the throne.
Holy Roman Empire
- June 1st : The Hungarian King Matthias Corvinus moves into the city of Vienna after around four months of siege in the course of the Hungarian wars and accepts the title Archduke of Austria . The imperial residence of Frederick III. von Habsburg has been in Wiener Neustadt for two years .
- August 26 : The Leipzig division is signed. In it, the Wettin property between the dukes and brothers Ernst of Saxony (Thuringian-Saxon part) and Albrecht III. (Meissnisch-Saxon part) divided. Dresden becomes the capital of Albertine Saxony . Ernst retains the electoral dignity . Despite the division, a common coinage is retained. With the November 11 accomplished division of the state is considered the most crucial mistake of Saxon history and leads to a long-term weakening of the Electorate of Saxony .
Republic of Venice
- November 4th : Giovanni Mocenigo , Doge of the Republic of Venice , dies of the plague and is hastily buried in the church of Santi Giovanni e Paolo . Marco Barbarigo , called the rich man , whose family has extensive estates in Crete , Verona and Treviso , is elected his successor. He is the first doge to be inducted into office at the Scala dei giganti .
Iberian Peninsula

- Abu l-Hasan Ali , Nasrid emir of Granada , suffers a stroke and is thereupon by his brother Muhammad XIII. overturned. However, this is in competition with his nephew Muhammad XII. who resides in Guadix .
- The southern Spanish town of Setenil fell into Christian hands after the seventh attempt in the course of the Reconquista movement against Moorish rule in Spain .
Eastern Europe
- The city of Tver is conquered by the Grand Duchy of Moscow .
- The Astrakhan Khanate splits off from the Golden Horde .
- La Sen Thai Puvanart succeeds his late brother Suvanna Ban Lang as ruler of the Laotian kingdom of Lan Xang .
science and technology
- In the Korean historical chronicle Dongguk Tonggam , the rulers of the Go-Joseon are listed for the first time according to the Dangun calendar.
- The Garden of Health , one of the first printed herbal books , is published in Mainz by Peter Schöffer , a former employee of Johannes Gutenberg . The book was commissioned by the Mainz canon Bernhard von Breidenbach about ten years earlier . The author is the Frankfurt city doctor Johann Wonnecke von Kaub , some of the pictures are from Erhard Reuwich .
Culture and society
- The publisher William Caxton is issuing the first printed edition of the manuscript Le Morte Darthur by Thomas Malory , a compilation of various short stories from the French and English Arthurian epic.
- Before the Battle of Bosworth Field, Henry Tudor founds the Yeomen of the Guard as a personal bodyguard.
- The construction of today's wall around the Moscow Kremlin begins.
- The book of hours of Lorenzo de 'Medici is completed.
- In the Peace of Kuttenberg , Utraquists and Catholics come to an agreement .
- August: Shortly after Heinrich Tudor landed in Milford Haven, a deadly infectious disease breaks out in London that soon becomes known as English sweat . However, the number of deaths caused by the disease cannot be accurately determined as it coincides with a simultaneous plague epidemic .
Date of birth saved
- January 6 : Wilhelm Werner von Zimmer , German historian and lawyer († 1575 )
- April 26th : Sibylle von Baden , Margravine of Baden († 1518 )
- June 24th : Johannes Bugenhagen ("Doktor Pomeranus"), reformer of Pomerania and Denmark († 1558 )
- June 24 : Elisabeth of Denmark, Norway and Sweden , Electress of Brandenburg († 1555 )
- July 20 : Giovan Battista Ramusio , Italian humanist, historian and geographer († 1557 )
- August 22nd : Beatus Rhenanus , German humanist, printer, editor, philologist and historian († 1547 )
- September 14 : Anna , Princess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Landgrave of Hesse († 1525 )
- September 27 : Giovanni Angelo Arcimboldi , Italian bishop and archbishop († 1555 )
- October 1 : Johannes Dantiscus , Bishop of Kulm and Bishop of Warmia († 1548 )
- December 16 : Catherine of Aragon , wife of Henry VIII, Queen of England († 1536 )
Exact date of birth unknown
- Antoine Augereau , French type cutter, typographer, bookseller and publisher († 1534 )
- Hernán Cortés , Spanish conquistador and conqueror of the Aztec Empire († 1547 )
Born around 1485
- 1480/85 : Johannes Wechtlin , German painter († unknown)
- Matteo Bandello , Italian poet († 1561 )
- Louis de Berquin , French humanist, lawyer, civil servant, linguist and reformer († 1529 )
- Thomas Cromwell , English politician and founder of the modern English central state († 1540 )
- Nikolaus Decius , German monk, pastor, cantor and hymn poet († after 1546 )
- William Peto , English cardinal and Bishop of Salisbury († 1558 )
- Nicholas Shaxton , English theologian and Bishop of Salisbury († 1556 )
- Heinrich Stackmann , German physician, philologist, physicist, poet and humanist († 1532 )
Date of death secured
- February 28 : Niclas von Abensberg , German knight and Count von Abensberg (* 1441 )
- March 16 : Anne Neville , wife of Richard III, Queen of England (* 1456 )
- August 7th : Alexander Stewart, 1st Duke of Albany , Scottish nobleman (* around 1454 )
- August 22nd : John Howard, 1st Duke of Norfolk , English nobleman
- August 22 : Richard III. , last English king of the Plantagenet dynasty, fallen (* 1452 )
- August 22nd : William Brandon , English knight
- August 22nd : Walter Devereux, 1st Baron Ferrers of Chartley , English nobleman and military man (* around 1432 )
- September 4th : Stephan von Pfalz-Simmern , Canon in Strasbourg, Mainz, Cologne, Speyer and Liège (* 1421 )
- October 27 : Rudolf Agricola , German humanist and writer (* 1444 )
- November 4th : Françoise d'Amboise , Duchess of Brittany (* 1427 )
- November 4 : Giovanni Mocenigo , Doge of Venice (* around 1409 )
Exact date of death unknown
- Abu l-Hasan Ali , Emir of Granada
- John Babington , English knight (* around 1423 )
- Othmar Schlaipfer (first mentioned in 1440), Swiss mayor
- Suvanna Ban Lang , ruler of the Lao Kingdom of Lan Xang (* 1455 )
- Vuk Grgurević , Serbian despot in Vojvodina