Philippine von Edelsberg

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Ernst Christian Moser : Portrait of the singer Philippine von Edelsberg, 1860

Philippine von Edelsberg , also Filippine Leocadia von Edelsberg (born October 19, 1838 in Leopoldsdorf im Marchfelde , Lower Austria ; † August 15, 1917 in Mödling , Lower Austria) was an Austrian opera singer.


Philippine Edelsberg made her debut at the Theater von Preßburg in 1857 , moved to Graz in 1858 and to Linz in 1860 . In 1862 she became a member of the ensemble of the Munich Court Opera , in 1865 she moved to the Berlin Court Opera , where she sang until 1867. As a result she made a guest appearance a. a. in Cologne, Leipzig, Prague, Paris, Brussels, Zagreb, at the Convent Garden Theater in London, at the Vienna Court Opera , the Scala in Milan and in 1871 also in New Orleans (USA).

As the wife of the spa doctor Alois von Ambrosz, who practiced in Abbazia , she lived for the last few years as Philippine von Ambrosz-Edelsberg in Mödling, where she also died.




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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Andreas Weigel: Finally biographically documented about Philippine von Edelsberg. In: "Stars in Gars". December 9, 2018, accessed December 10, 2018 .
  2. after Kutsch / Riemens
  3. Finally biographically documented about the singer Philippine von Edelsberg accessed on May 24, 2020
  4. deaths. In:  Mödlinger Zeitung. Christian-social / Christian-social organ of the political district Mödling / Mödlinger Zeitung. Organ to represent the interests of the political) district of Mödling and the residents of the same with special consideration of the trade and agriculture / Mödlinger Zeitung with the supplement “Illustrierter Sonntags-Blatt”. German-Christian social organ for the representation of the interests of the political (ical) district Mödling with special consideration of the trade and agriculture / Mödlinger Zeitung. Organ for the representation of the interests of the political (ical) district Mödling with special consideration of the trade and agriculture / Mödlinger Zeitung. With the supplement “Illustrierter Sonntagsblatt”. Weekly newspaper for the political (ical) district of Mödling and the judicial district of Liesing , August 19, 1917 (online at ANNO ).Template: ANNO / Maintenance / moz
  5. cf. libretto