Detert Zylmann

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Detert Zylmann (born August 15, 1944 in Hamburg ) is a German prehistoric scientist .


Peter Zylmann , Detert Zylmann's grandfather, was a grammar school teacher and together with Werner Haarnagel founded the working group Prehistory of the East Frisian Landscape on July 4, 1951 .

Detert Zylmann studied prehistory, ethnology and anthropology in Hamburg and Mainz , where he received his doctorate in 1980 under Niels Bantelmann . This was followed by a two-year activity at the Institute for Monument Preservation in Hanover , Inventory Department. From 1983 until his retirement, Zylmann was a research assistant at the Archaeological Monument Preservation in Mainz . Excavations, investigations and publications of archaeological finds from the Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age (Celts) and the Middle Ages.

Research and excavations

Detert Zylmann is an expert in the Bronze Age urn field culture , Celtic finds from the Iron Age and the menhirs in Rheinhessen and the Palatinate. He wrote a two-volume work on the grave and depot finds as well as individual metal finds from the urn field culture in the Palatinate, published a book on the menhirs in Germany and wrote numerous articles on Celtic finds from the Iron Age. He examined and researched finds from the Neolithic, Bronze Age, Iron Age and the Middle Ages in Rheinhessen and the surrounding area. In 1983 in Undenheim ( Mainz-Bingen district ) he dug up the necropolis of a noble girl from the urnfield culture. In Bretzenheim an der Nahe he uncovered a settlement and burials of the Neolithic ceramic culture. From 1991 to 2004 he was the scientific director of the excavations of a Celtic cemetery in Worms-Herrnsheim . There he also worked on a grave of the Neolithic bell beaker culture . In 2003 he examined a menhir from the Neolithic Age in Ingelheim am Rhein , in Sprendlingen a circular grave cemetery from the Bronze Age burial mound and in Undenheim the burial place of a noble girl from the Urnfield culture. In the Langenlonsheim forest he researched a burial mound of the Iron Age Hunsrück-Eifel culture .

Publications (selection)

  • Articles in: Hans-Herbert Möller (Ed.): What is a cultural monument? (= Workbooks for monument preservation in Lower Saxony. 2, ZDB -ID 581380-3 ). Lower Saxony State Administration Office - Institute for Monument Preservation, Hanover 1982.
  • The urn field culture in the Palatinate. Grave and depot finds, individual finds made of metal (= publication of the Palatinate Society for the Promotion of Science in Speyer. 72, ISSN  0480-2357 ). 2 volumes. Society for the Promotion of Science in Speyer, Speyer 1983 (at the same time: Mainz, university, dissertation, 1980).
  • A burial mound of the Hunsrück-Eifel culture in the Langenlonsheim forest. District of Bad Kreuznach (= archaeological reports from Rheinhessen and the district of Bad Kreuznach. 3). Krach, Mainz 1985, ISBN 3-87439-118-3 .
  • A burial place of the urn field culture of Undenheim, Mainz-Bingen district. In: Mainz magazine . 82, 1987, pp. 199-210.
  • A medieval construction sacrifice from Bingen? In: Mainz magazine. 84/85, 1989/1990, pp. 373-379.
  • The Celts in the vicinity: the princely grave of Waldalgesheim. In: Hans Forster (ed.): Identifier MZ-BIN. Local history for the district of Mainz-Bingen. Lutz et al., Lörrach et al. 1990, ISBN 3-12-258430-1 , pp. 57-59.
  • The Niersteiner district in prehistoric times. In: Hildegard Friess-Reimann, Sigrid Schmitt (ed.): Nierstein. Contributions to the past and present of an old imperial village. Verlag der Rheinhessische Druckwerkstätte, Alzey 1992, ISBN 3-87854-088-4 , pp. 1–27.
  • A grave of the bell beaker culture from Worms-Herrnsheim. In: The Wormsgau . 16, 1992/1995, pp. 115-117.
  • Archaeological record of burial mounds in the Mainz-Bingen district. In: Surveying and Spatial Planning. 56, 1994, ISSN  0340-5141 , pp. 260-268.
  • A ceramic band settlement with burials from Bretzenheim an der Nahe, Bad Kreuznach district. In: Regional history quarterly papers. 42, 1996, ISSN  0458-6905 , pp. 149-162.
  • A Celtic equestrian grave from Gau-Heppenheim, Ldkr. Alzey-Worms. In: Mainzer Archäologische Zeitschrift. 3, 1996, ISSN  1431-0910 , pp. 5-24.
  • A circular ditch cemetery from the Bronze Age hill from Sprendlingen, district of Mainz-Bingen. In: Studia antiquaria. Festschrift for Niels Bantelmann on the occasion of his 60th birthday (= university research on prehistoric archeology. 63). Habelt, Bonn 2000, ISBN 3-7749-2984-X , pp. 41-51.
  • Contributions in: Sabine Rieckhoff , Jörg Biel (Hrsg.): The Celts in Germany. Theiss, Stuttgart 2001, ISBN 3-8062-1367-4 .
  • The Bodenheim district in prehistoric times. In: Bernhard Marschall (Hrsg.): 1250 years Albansgemeinde Bodenheim. Contributions to the past and present. Verlag der Rheinhessische Druckwerkstätte, Alzey 2003, ISBN 3-87854-183-X , pp. 3–24.
  • The riddle of the menhirs. Probst, Mainz-Kostheim 2003, ISBN 3-936326-07-X .

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