Richard Adamík

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Richard Adamík (born April 4, 1867 in Mährisch Weißkirchen , Moravia ; † August 15, 1952 ) was a Czech neurologist and moral idealist .

In his job he tried to make medicine understandable. As a representative of Ralph Waldo Emerson , he spread the noble moral idealism . He mainly published psychological and philosophical writings, articles and collections.


  • Hygiena duševní práce (Hygiene of mental work, 1904)
  • Moderní názor životní (Modern Views of Life, 1909)
  • Síla vůle a životní energie (strength, will and vitality, 1913)
  • Zdravé a churavé nervy (Healthy and Sick Nerves, 1915)
  • Crisis a bolesti dnešního manželství (Crisis and Pains of Today's Marriage, 1920)
  • Morálka a manželství (Morality and Marriage, 1923)
  • Otázky života (Questions in Life, 1923)
  • Vůdčí reformační ideje Masarykovy (Leading reform ideas of Masaryk , 1927)

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