Anton Aberle

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Anton Aberle (born November 14, 1876 in Möhringen ; † August 15, 1953 in Thusis ) was a German-Swiss architect .

life and career

Anton Aberle, the son of a farmer who grew up in the Black Forest, studied at the Grand Ducal Badische Baugewerkeschule and found his first job in 1904 in the architectural office of Robert Curjel and Karl Moser . After managing the construction of a hotel on Feldberg, he was sent to St. Gallen in 1906 , where, under his construction management, the “Pacific” and “Wilson” commercial buildings were built, which are among the large company headquarters in the center of the embroidery industry, which was flourishing at the time.

In 1909 he started his own business. In addition to various commercial buildings and embroidery factories in St. Gallen, Amriswil and Hohenems in Vorarlberg , he mainly realized single-family houses, in the early 1920s he built the Tannenstrasse residential colony with Erwin von Ziegler, and in the process developed his style from historicizing, even baroque forms to increasing objectivity. Aberle built the “Haus Diener” in St. Gallen in 1930, the first villa of the New Building with a flat roof, and in 1933 the first pure steel frame structure there , the weighbridge.

Plant (selection)

  • Tannenstrasse residential colony , St. Gallen-Rotmonden 1920–1921.
  • Diener residence , St. Gallen 1930.
  • Weighbridge , commercial building, St. Gallen 1932–1933.


  • Daniel Studer: Aberle, Anton. In: Isabelle Rucki, Dorothee Huber (Hrsg.): Architectural Lexicon of Switzerland, 19./20. Century. Birkhäuser, Basel 1998, ISBN 3-7643-5261-2 .
  • Stanislaus von Moos et al .: The New Building in Eastern Switzerland. An inventory. Schweizerischer Werkbund, Eastern Switzerland Section, St. Gallen 1989, ISBN 3-908118-01-8 .

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