Francisco de Toledo

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Francisco de Toledo

Francisco de Toledo, Conde de Oropesa (born July 10, 1515 in Oropesa , † August 15, 1582 in Seville ) was a Spanish military leader and 5th Viceroy of Peru (1569–1581).


Francisco de Toledo was an illegitimate descendant of King Alfonso XI. of Castile . At the second session of the Council of Trent (1551/52) he was imperial ambassador together with Count Montfort. He distinguished himself as a soldier under Emperor Charles V and was appointed Viceroy of Peru by King Philip II of Spain in 1568 . When he arrived in Lima the following year , he undertook a five-year inspection tour through the country between October 1570 and November 1575, reorganizing the local administration and the work of the mining companies. He introduced the Inquisition to the colony (1570) and severely punished Indian rebels.

For years he tried to come to an agreement with the Inca ruler of Vilcabamba , Titu Cusi , similar to that with his predecessor: Titu Cusi should submit to the Spanish crown and in return get rich lands. Although these negotiations were unsuccessful, they did lead to a largely peaceful coexistence. But when Titu Cusi (without the knowledge of the Spaniards) died and a Spanish envoy was murdered, the viceroy decided to fight Vilcabamba. The rump state of the Incas was captured in 1572, and a detachment of troops led by his nephew managed to capture the last Inca ruler, Túpac Amaru . Toledo had the Inca brought to Cusco and executed in public despite vehement protests from the population and the church.

Toledo commissioned Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa to write the Historia Indica . He reorganized the forced labor systems of the encomienda and the mita , which functioned in South America until the 18th century and ensured the labor of the indigenous population, and thus ensured their sustainable implementation. In 1581 Toledo returned to Spain .


  • Roberto Levillier : Don Francisco de Toledo, Supremo organizador del Peru. Su vida, su obra (1515–1582) , 3 vols. Espasa-Calpe, Madrid and Buenos Aires, 1935–1942
    • Vol. 1: Años de andanzas y de guerras (1515–1572) . 1935.
    • Vol. 2: Sus informaciones sobre los incas (1570–1572) . 1940.
    • Vol. 3: La Historia índica de Sarmiento de Gamboa que el mando escribir cotejada con los Comentarios de Garcilaso y otras crónicas . 1942.

Web links

Commons : Francisco de Toledo  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Bakewell, PJ (Peter John) ,: Miners of the Red Mountain: Indian labor in Potosí, 1545-1650 . 1st ed. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque 1984, ISBN 0-8263-0769-8 .
  2. ^ John Hemming: The Conquest of the Incas . Mariner Books, 2003, ISBN 0-15-602826-3 .
predecessor Office successor
Lope García de Castro Viceroy of Peru
Martín Enríquez de Almansa