Albert Londres

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Albert Londres

Albert Londres , (born November 1, 1884 in Vichy , † May 16, 1932 in the Gulf of Aden in the Indian Ocean ) was a French journalist and writer.


Albert Londres studied in Lyon and went to Paris in 1903 . In 1906 he began his journalistic career at Matin . With the beginning of the First World War , Albert Londres worked as a war correspondent. His first major article on the fire in Reims Cathedral on September 19, 1914, was published two days later.

Londre's request for a transfer to the Orient was rejected by the editors of Le Matin . This was followed by foreign reports for other daily newspapers, one of the most widely read in France: Le Petit Journal . In 1915 he wrote about the fighting in Serbia , Greece , Turkey and Albania . After his return he reported in France about the last months of the war. In 1919 he was dismissed on the intervention of Clemenceau for his Italy reports at Le Petit Journal . He had reported that the Italians were very dissatisfied with the peace conditions imposed by Clemenceau, Lloyd George and Wilson . From then on he worked for the Illustrated Excelsior .

In 1920 he undertook a trip to the USSR , from where he reported on the newly formed Bolshevik regime, drew pictures of the life of Lenin and Trotsky and wrote reports on the sufferings of the Russian people.

In 1922 he went to Asia as a journalist. He also reported on Nehru , Gandhi and Tagore in India . From 1923 on, his level of awareness grew steadily, his reports were published by Albin Michel and were overseen by Henri Béraud (1885–1958). From then on he worked as editor-in-chief at Le Petit Parisien . In 1923 he went to Guyana and reported, among other things, on the racism prevailing there.

Londres was also interested in the Tour de France and reported on the torments the riders had to endure ( Les Forçats de la route and Tour de France, tour de souffrance ). He published what the brothers Henri and Francis Pélissier had told him about doping on the tour.

In 1929, while anti-Semitism was spreading more and more in Europe, he went to Palestine . He met the Jewish community and was taken with it. He spoke out in favor of the creation of an Israeli state, but seriously doubted a possible agreement between Jews and Arabs. "The population imbalance suggests dark days: 700,000 Arabs against 150,000 Jews." ("Le déséquilibre démographique laisse présager des jours sombres: 700,000 Arabs against 150,000 Juifs.")

In his last published report, he examined the background to the terrorism of the Macedonian nationalists.

Londres died in 1932 when the French luxury steamer Georges Philippar went up in flames and burned out on her maiden voyage in the Gulf of Aden . He was on his way home from Shanghai , where he had researched organized crime, among other things. The results of his research were also lost due to the shipwreck.

The Edition Die Andere Bibliothek published a representative cross-section of works in 2013 under the title A Reporter and Nothing but That .

Works (selection)

  • La Chine en folie (Arléa-Poche; vol. 178). Arléa, Paris 2001, ISBN 978-2-86959-944-4 (EA Paris 1925).
    • “China out of joint” (translated by Petra Bail) in Albert Londres: A reporter and nothing but that. With an afterword by Marko Martin . Other library, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-8477-0348-8 , pp. 7–124.
  • Au bagne (Arléa-Poche; vol. 125). Arléa, Paris 2008, ISBN 978-2-86959-816-4 (EA Le Petit Parisien , August / September 1923).
    • Bagno . The hell of the convicts . E. Laub'sche Verlagshandlung, Berlin 1924 (with a foreword by Paul Block).
  • Dante n'avait rien vu (Coll. "Motifs"). Le serpent à plumes, Paris 1999, ISBN 2-84261-100-4 (EA Paris 1924).
  • Terre d'ébène. Le traite de Noirs (Coll. "Motifs"). Le serpent à plumes, Paris 1994, ISBN 2-908957-29-9 (EA Paris 1930).
    • Black and white. The truth about Africa . Agis-Verlag, Berlin 1929 (translated by Yvan Goll ).
  • Les Forçats de la route & Tour de France, tour de souffrance (Arléa-Poche; Vol. 3). Arléa, Paris 1996, ISBN 2-86959-295-7 .
  • Chez les fous (Arléa-Poche; vol. 146). Arléa, Paris 2009, ISBN 978-2-86959-860-7 (EA Paris 1925).
  • Le Juif errant est arrivé (Arléa-Poche). Arléa, Paris 2010, ISBN 978-2-86959-887-4 (EA 1930).
    • The eternal Jew at his destination . Phaidon-Verlag, Vienna 1930 (translated by Alexander Benzion ).
    • Jew where? A travelogue from the ghettos of the world . Phaidon-Verlag, Vienna 1931 (translated by Alexander Benzion).
    • Ahasver has arrived. A trip to the Jews in 1929 . Deutscher Taschenbuchverlag , Munich 1998, ISBN 3-423-08445-6 (translated by Dirk Hemjeoltmanns). Again in Albert Londres: A reporter and nothing but that. With an afterword by Marko Martin. Other library, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-8477-0348-8 , pp. 127-300.
  • Les Comitadjis ou le terrorisme dans les Balkans (Arléa-Poche; vol. 60). Arléa, Paris 1999, ISBN 2-86959-463-1 (EA Paris 1932).
    • Terror in the Balkans . Phaidon-Verlag, Vienna 1932 (translated by Alexander Benzion).
  • Pêcheurs de perles ("Motifs" collection). Le serpent à plumes, Paris 2001, ISBN 2-8426-1257-4 (EA Paris 1931).
    • "Perlenfischer" (translated by Petra Bail) in Albert Londres: A reporter and nothing but that. With an afterword by Marko Martin. Other library, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-8477-0348-8 , pp. 303-433.
  • Le Chemin de Buenos Aires . Editions Maghellan, Paris 2010, ISBN 978-2-35074-189-5 (EA Paris 1927).
    • The way to Buenos Aires. The secrets of the girl trafficking . Otto Uhlmann, Berlin 1928 (translated by Lilly Radermacher).
  • Marseille . Porte du sud (Arléa-Poche; vol. 56). Arléa, Paris 2000, ISBN 2-86959-446-1 .
  • L'Homme qui s'évada ("Motifs" collection). Le serpent à plume, Paris 2002, ISBN 2-84261-125-X (former title: Adieu Cayenne! ).
    • The escape from hell. A Bagno book . Neuer Deutscher Verlag, Berlin 1928 (translated by Milly Zirker).
    • The escape from hell. A Bagno book . Verlag Edition AV, Lich 2010, ISBN 978-3-86841-039-6 (with an afterword by Jürgen Mümken ).
  • Visions orientales ("Motifs" collection). Le serpent à plumes, Paris 2002, ISBN 2-84261-382-1 .
  • A reporter and nothing but that . Translated from the French by Petra Bail and Dirk Hemjeoltmanns. The Other Library, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-8477-0348-8 .
  • Africa in chains. Reports from the colonies . Translated from the French by Petra Bail and Yvan Goll. The Other Library, Berlin 2020, ISBN 978-3-8477-0424-9 .



Albert Londres Prize

The Albert Londres Prize has been awarded to the best French investigative journalists since 1933 .

Web links

Commons : Albert Londres  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Albert Londres: Les Forçats de la route: l'abandon des frères Pélissier - Les frères Pélissier et leur camarade Ville ( Maurice Ville ) abandonnent. Beeckman ( Maurice Beeckman ) gagne la troisième étape, Coutances , June 27, 1924. Albert Londres: Les Forçats de la route: l'abandon des frères Pélissier ( Memento of February 10, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Albert Londres: A reporter and nothing but the man who loved his suitcase , review by Hubert Spiegel , in the FAZ of January 17, 2014, accessed January 28, 2014
  3. Hannes Hintermeier: Woe, you keep sucking on my rear wheel . In: FAZ of September 14, 2011, page N3.