Midob (ethnic group)

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The Midob are an ethnic group living in the Sudanese province of North Darfur near the city of Malha. They speak Midob and their population is estimated at around 50,000.

Midob are traditionally semi-nomadic shepherds and goat herders whose settlement area is northeast of the Berti . Due to prolonged periods of drought, many Midob moved south and into the cities from the 1980s onwards. They were less successful in finding job opportunities and trade contacts than the neighboring Zaghawa , who emigrated at the same time.


  • Fouad Ibrahim: The Zaghawa and the Midob of North Darfur. A comparison of migration behavior. GeoJournal, Vol. 46, October 2, 1998, pp. 135-140

Individual evidence

  1. www.ethnologue.com on Midob