Millimeter Wave Gigabit Wireless

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Millimeter Wave Gigabit Wireless (literally translated: Millimeter Wave Gigabit Wireless ), Wireless GIGE for short , also called Gifi , is a radio technology developed by the National Information and Communications Technology Research Center (NICTA) at the University of Melbourne . Wireless GIGE should achieve transmission rates of 5 GBit / s. However, the range is limited to approx. 10 m. Transmission takes place at a frequency of 60 G Hz . At 60 GHz the wavelength is λ


hence the name millimeter wave ("millimeter wave").

The radio chip based on CMOS technology is highly integrated so that only a minimal amount of external wiring is required. The costs for the chip are therefore very low and are around 6–7 euros.

With the help of this radio technology, media and entertainment devices such as televisions , DVD players , game consoles , etc., are to be networked with one another in the living room.


  • Kao-Cheng Huang, Zhaocheng Wang: Millimeter Wave Communication Systems. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. New Jersey 2011, ISBN 978-0-470-40462-1 .

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