Mindaugas Sabutis

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Mindaugas Sabutis (born August 26, 1975 ) is a Lithuanian Evangelical Lutheran clergyman. Since 2004 he has been the bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lithuania .


After graduating from secondary school in Tauragė in 1993 , Sabutis studied Protestant theology at Klaipėdos universitetas in the Lithuanian port city of Klaipėda . In 1996 he became a deacon in Jurbarkas . After his ordination on July 3, 1998, he took over a pastorate in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius . From 1999 to 2001 he completed a master's degree in religious studies at the Vilniaus universitetas . Sabutis has been a member of the consistory of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lithuania since 2000 . On April 24, 2004, he was elected bishop and on July 19, he was introduced to his office, which he exercises alongside his work as parish priest. On July 12, 2014, he was re-elected to his post.

Since 2005 Sabutis has been doing his doctorate as a doctoral student at Klaipėdos universitetas , where he also lectures.

Sabutis is the President of the Martin Luther Federation - Lithuania, founded in Tauragė , Lithuania .

Sabutis is married.


Web links

  • Short portrait on the website of the Lutheran Parish Vilnius (Lithuanian)

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bishop Sabutis: Re-election , at www.selk.de , accessed on November 29, 2017.
  2. LITHUANIA: Founded Martin Luther Bund