Minimum equipment list

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The Minimum Equipment List (MEL, German: ' Minimum Equipment List ') is a term used in aviation. The MEL lists all instruments, pieces of equipment or functions that may be defective. It also states how long, to what extent and under what conditions the aircraft can be operated with this defect.


Obviously necessary parts, such as B. the wing are not listed. Instruments, equipment or functions that do not affect airworthiness are also not listed. An example of this would be equipment in the galley. The MEL must be approved by the respective aviation authorities for an operator. The basis of the MEL is the MMEL (Master Minimum Equipment List) related to the aircraft type.

Purpose of the MEL

The MEL enables the operator or his crew to fly to an airport with (own) maintenance personnel. There are also maintenance facilities served by other airlines, provided that a contract exists for mutual assistance.