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Miscellanea is Latin and means miscellaneous . The word is mainly used as a title for compilations and when categorizing archive materials, books or other material. Also:

  • Miscellanea Resta refers to miscellaneous items that are left over from the categorization and cannot be assigned to any of the selected categories, see Miscellaneous .
  • Miscellanea Curiosa was the title of a specialist journal founded in 1670 with a focus on medicine and natural sciences.
  • Miscellanea physico-medico-mathematica was the title of a scientific journal from 1730, see Wroclaw Collections .
  • Miscellanea Saxonica , magazine published by Roch in Dresden from 1767–1781
  • In musicology, instruments that imitate sounds from nature and everyday life are summarized under Miscellanea , see Miscellanea (music) .

See also: