Employee information

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As employee information those are information indicated that an employee required for efficient performance of their duties. They are characterized as data for the description of states, processes and tasks, which must be interpretable by the recipient (employee or worker) and contribute to the support of his activity. These must be designed in such a way that the knowledge communicated through the information can be processed with the employee's wealth of knowledge and that a learning effect is generated when it is repeated. Employee information is therefore explicit, collectively available knowledge that is made available to the employee in the correct quantity and quality through suitable communication methods, ideally directly at his workplace. This makes a contribution to its competence, since the basic qualifications, i.e. existing knowledge as well as abilities and skills, are supplemented by the employee information.

Furthermore, apart from this object-like use, employee information based on DIN 44300 can also be understood as the process of informing employees. This includes any action that is necessary to transmit information to employees. Employee information can be distributed with employee information systems.


  • S. Lang: Consistent employee information to increase efficiency and process reliability in production. Meisenbach Verlag, Bamberg 2007, ISBN 978-3-87525-257-6 .
  • J. Rump: Employee information. In: E. Gaugler, WA Oechsler, W. Weber (Hrsg.): Handwortbuch des Personalwesens. 3. Edition. Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-7910-8049-0 , Sp. 1231-1240.