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Mitrailleur (Mitr) is a functional designation in the Swiss Army . It is an infantry soldier who was primarily trained on machine guns ( French mitrailleuse , originally a volley gun). A corresponding non-Swiss, but unusual designation would be machine gun marksman .

This term is also used for departments or companies (Mitr. Kp.).


In earlier times, mitrailleur was used in the sense of butcher or executioner. In his work , Stefan Zweig describes Joseph Fouché in his work of the same name as Mitrailleur de Lyon because of his role in the suppression of the Vendée uprising .

Individual evidence

  1. Mitrailleur in Duden online. Retrieved June 20, 2017.
  2. a b cf. about A 020/140 Regiment Mitrailleur Firma 32 (Rgts Mitr. Kp 32), 1916. Entry in the online archive catalog of the St. Gallen State Archives (, accessed on June 21, 2017).
  3. ^ Mountain Mitrailleur Departments and Companies in the Swiss Federal Archives. Retrieved March 18, 2020.
  4. Stefan Zweig: Joseph Fouché, Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 1994, pp. 48–70