Mobile business process

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Mobile business processes are business processes that contain mobile workstations or other mobile elements. The term is typically used in connection with the use of mobile electronic communication technologies and mobile devices to improve such business processes, see also mobile commerce .

The use of mobile technology in companies is often first viewed from a technical perspective. In the foreground (although helpful) is not the simple possibility of mobile sending and receiving of e-mails . This view is easy to understand, but alone does not provide a solution.

In fact, it is not primarily a technical problem, but an organizational one. Effective mobile solutions have at least one of two characteristic properties:

  • the complete inclusion of mobile workplaces in internal and inter-company processes or
  • the complete automation of individual sub-processes through direct communication between devices .

Mobile workplaces are understood to mean a large number of extremely heterogeneous job profiles that cannot be adequately supported by stationary IT use.

Important groups of people involved include employees with specialist and management functions in organizations whose operational business is carried out on the move, in particular:

  • Employees with management functions who have a view of the entirety of the known and currently running business processes
  • Employees with specialist functions who are well motivated and who are mobile on the company premises,
  • Employees with specialist functions who are well motivated and work on the move outside the company premises,
  • Decision-makers who decide on the organizational implementation of new or the improvement of existing business processes.
  • Decision-makers who fund the necessary process
  • Decision-makers who technically implement the necessary instruments for the required procedure

The Mobility-M-Framework forms a regulatory framework for mobile business processes .

See also

  1. ^ The “Mobility-M” framework for Application of Mobile Technology in Business Processes
  2. Adoption and Impact of Mobile-Integrated Business Processes - Comparison of Existing Frameworks and Analysis of their Generalization Potential


  • K. Pousttchi, K. Turowski: Mobile Commerce - Basics and Techniques. Heidelberg 2004
  • V. Frank, T. Lerner: Best Practice Mobile Business - Global Comparison of Applications Worth Emulating. Businessvillage, 2nd edition, 2004