Model Office

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In the English-speaking world, model offices are a tried and tested means of testing and improving the operational operation of complex services. The model office is the image of the operational business (IT systems, business processes and process organization of a company with customer contact of a company are mapped).


When new products and services are introduced, it is not uncommon for a fundamental change in the procedures and working methods of operational departments. The start of many complex products and services is unsatisfactory in terms of customer contact and thus customer benefit.

These changes are tested, discussed and optimized in the Model Office. The tools and aids are developed that are necessary for operational operations.

In the early stage of the Model Office, operationally experienced employees are confronted with business scenarios in environments that are as close to production as possible. These employees then generate scripts, instructions or, if necessary, request additional applications in order to implement the business scenarios as well as possible.


The Model Office Test (MOT) is at the end of this development and checks whether operational staff can guarantee very good operation with the newly developed aids and tools after the planned training program. The product or service should not be started if customers cannot be treated satisfactorily in it.

After the start of operations, the Model Office is used for optimization.

Individual evidence

  1. Knowledge Center ( Memento of the original dated December 28, 2009 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /