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MONATIO , short for Mouvement National ( French for "National Movement") was a short-lived movement in Cambodia known as the nationalist faction . The exact background of the movement is unclear. They were first mentioned when revolutionary troops advanced on April 17, 1975 on the capital Phnom Penh . The movement's supporters welcomed the Khmer Rouge , who took control of the capital. According to an eyewitness account by François Ponchaud , the group consisted of a small crowd of soldiers dressed in black accompanied by students. He claims that the group is also fromHem Keth Dara . The group was later referred to by the Khmer Rouge as a conspiratorial group allegedly supported by the CIA . The flag of the faction was incorrectly referred to by the media as that of the Khmer Rouge.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ponchaud, François. Camboya a sangre y fuego. Año Cero, second edition. Buenos Aires : 1979. p. 17th
  2. ^ Isaacs, Arnold R. Without Honor: Defeat in Vietnam and Cambodia. JHU Press, 1999. p. 283
  3. ^ Siegfried Ehrmann: Kampuchea - flag with a past . In: one day. Spiegel Online, April 13, 2008, accessed July 30, 2018.