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Mondagor is the name of Fantasy - pen - & - paper role-playing game and its game world . Mondagor's beginnings go back to December 16, 1996 as a free role-playing game . The system plans commercial distribution.


There are no levels in Mondagor : each test decides whether the character gains more experience immediately . The increase is therefore flowing. The system of increasing attributes and all skills is based on the learning-by-doing principle.

There are 16 peoples from 10 races, with three human, four elven, two dwarf as well as four chimeric and three original races. All races are - compared to attributes and talents in combat and magic - equally 'powerful': All have advantages or disadvantages. There are no limits: any race can learn and use anything.

Mondagor has three different types of magic that can be used differently. The magics have a direct impact on the characters they rule. This creates a relationship between caster and magic. The combat system aims to show the experience of a warrior. As a result, real sword masters are born in Mondagor .


The illustrations were drawn by 15-year-old Alexander; Preliminary drawings with pencil, final versions with Indian ink.

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