Morsicatio buccarum

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As Morsicatio buccarum , linea alba buccalis , Interkalarlinie or Interkalarleiste is referred to within the mouth a whitish line of the buccal mucosa. It is located at the level of the occlusal plane ( occlusal plane ). This is a non- pathological finding, which z. B. can arise from night cheek sucking.


  • Konrad Bork, Walter Burgdorf, Nikolaus Hoede: Oral mucosa and lip diseases. Clinic, diagnostics and therapy . 3. Edition. Schattauer Verlag. Stuttgart 2008. ISBN 3-7945-2486-1 .
  • Thomas Rakosi, Irmtrud Jonas: Orthodontics Diagnostics (= color atlases of dentistry; Vol. 8). Thieme Verlag, Berlin 1989. ISBN 3-13-722201-X .

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