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Motureau was a French measure of volume in Nice, the capital in the county of the same name in the Kingdom of Sardinia . It was used as a grain measure.

The dimensional chain was

  • 1 Setier = 2 Emines = 4 Quartiers = 16 Motureaux = 2016.4966 Parisian cubic inches = 39.99 liters
  • 64 Motureaux = 1 Carge = 8066 Parisian cubic inches = 1.6 hectoliters

Note: Motureau had a second meaning as a smaller area of ​​the Starata


  • Society of learned and practical merchants: General encyclopedia for merchants and manufacturers as well as for businessmen in general: or, Complete dictionary. Verlag Otto Wigand, 1838, p. 198.
  • Eduard Döring: Handbook of coin, exchange, measure and weight. Verlag J. Hölscher, Koblenz 1854, p. 362.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Christian Nelkenbrecher , Johann H. Bock, Heinrich Christian Kandelhardt: Pocket book of coin, measure and weight for merchants. Sandersche Buchhandlung, Berlin 1832, p. 354.