Movimiento Bolivariano Revolucionario 200

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The Movimiento Bolivariano Revolucionario 200 (MBR-200; German: Bolivarian Revolutionsbewegung ) was a subversive movement in Venezuela that was initiated by then Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chávez during the commemoration of Simón Bolívar's 200th birthday in 1983 from the Ejército Bolivariano Revolucionario 200 (EBR-200; EBR-200; German: Bolivarian Revolutionary Army ) was converted. Other founding members were the officers Felipe Acosta, Jesús Urdaneta and Raúl Baduel .

After other officers and NCOs had joined, Chavez led the MBR-200 on February 4, 1992 to a coup against the Social Democratic President Carlos Andrés Pérez , whose rigorous austerity program had caused resentment in parts of the population (see also Caracazo ). However, he was put down after twelve hours. On November 27, 1992 there was a second attempted coup, which was also supported by the MBR-200.

In 1997 the Movimiento Bolivariano Revolucionario 200 became the Movimiento V República (MVR), although some new organizations continued the name (MBR-200).

In total, the MBR-200 published three documents that were the foundations of Chavez's course: The Blue Book, the National Simon Bolivar Project, and Ways to Get Out of the Maze . This also formed the foundation for the Mercal mission , in which, among other things, “the immense budget deficit should be reduced”.


  1. ↑ In contrast to the purely military EBR-200, the MBR-200 was also open to civilians .
  2. Ignacio Ramonet, Harald Neubner: Hugo Chavez My First Life Conversation with Ignacio Ramonet. New Life Publishing House, Berlin, 2014, p. 473.

further reading

  • Angela Zago: La Rebelión de los Angeles, chapter La historia del MBR-200 . Fuentes, 1992; 4th ed. Warp Ediciones, 1998.