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Under multidisciplinary (also: pluridisciplinarity ) refers to the concurrent processing of a scientific question or investigation of an object by research scientists of independent departments , wherein between disciplines not nennenswerterer methodical , terminology takes place or conceptual exchange.

In contrast to transdisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity , neither a uniform conceptual framework structure is set up, nor is common solution strategies developed , but each discipline defines and processes its problem largely in isolation. A synthesis is only done additively, by combining the results obtained separately in each case. Planning side by side according to the pattern - acting side by side , multidisciplinarity thus represents the weakest form of substantive cooperation in interdisciplinary work.

The suitability of the multidisciplinary approach depends on the respective problem: If partial aspects of the problem can be clearly demarcated and assigned to the disciplines involved, one benefits from the expertise of the specialists and their focus on the corresponding subarea. If, on the other hand, such a delimitation can only be carried out inadequately, further cooperation , which includes a conceptual and methodical exchange, is usually more useful.

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