Multimedia electronics technician

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A multimedia electronics technician (formerly radio-TV electrician and audio-video electronics technician ) carries out repairs and servicing of entertainment electronics devices ( radio , TV , CD player , etc.) as well as installations at customers' sites. His fields of work also include car radio , TV, PC and Mac , satellite installations, multi-room and others.

Multimedia electronics technician is an apprenticeship in Switzerland. The training lasts 4 years and ends with a federal certificate of proficiency.

The training regulations for multimedia electronics technicians came into effect retrospectively on January 1, 2000 and thus lifted the regulations of October 28, 1986 on training and the final apprenticeship test for audio-video electronics technicians and the regulations of April 9, 1984 for television and radio electricians on. Lessons that began before January 1, 2000 were completed according to the old regulations.

Training opportunities

Professional examination (BP):

  • Multimedia electronics technician with federal diploma Qualification
  • Event technician with federal diploma Qualification
  • Sound engineer with federal diploma Qualification

Technical school (HF):

  • Qualified technician HF, e.g. B. specializing in electrical engineering, telecommunications, IT or media

University of Applied Sciences :

  • Bachelor FH in electrical engineering
  • Bachelor FH in Telecommunications
  • Bachelor FH in Computer Science
  • Bachelor FH in systems engineering
  • Bachelor FH in Mechatronics

See also

  • Information electronics technician (related profession in Germany)

Web links