Musée imaginaire des migrations

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The Musée imaginaire des migrations is a virtual migration museum in Switzerland .

Starting in 1998, the Migration Museum Association had tried to found a migration museum in Switzerland to present Switzerland as a nation of immigrants and emigrants. During the financial crisis of 2008 , the city of Zurich suspended its support and the remnants of the project were turned into the virtual Musée imaginaire des migrations on the initiative of the Swiss authors . It shows topics related to migration in Switzerland. More than 760,000 Swiss live abroad and in Switzerland the proportion of foreigners is over 20%. Swiss internal migration is also dealt with.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Thomas Sieber: Exhibiting Migration . In: Contemporary Curating and Museum Education . Ed .: Mörsch, Sachs and Sieber. Transcript 2017, ISBN 978-3-8394-3080-4 , p. 106.
  2. Christian Raaflaub: Where migration gets a face . Swissinfo, August 18, 2019, accessed November 15, 2019.