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Histopathology of the myopericytoma.
Immunohistochemical staining of tumor cells for smooth muscle actin

A benign soft tissue tumor in adulthood is known as myopericytoma . Myopericytomas occur subcutaneously, particularly in the area of ​​the distal extremities, but an intracranial localization has also been described in individual cases .

Clinically, these are often painless, small nodules that grow slowly over the years and that can only become symptomatic through compression of neighboring structures . Intraoperatively , the tumors, which are usually smaller than 2 cm in diameter, are well demarcated from the surrounding tissue.

Pathologically , the concentric arrangement of spindle tumor cells around blood vessels , which are reminiscent of myopericytes , is characteristic of the tumor . Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells express smooth muscle actin .

The prognosis is favorable: even after incomplete removal, recurrences are the exception. Malignant myopericytomas are rare.


  • ME McMenamin: Myopericytoma. In: CD Fletcher et al. (Ed.): Pathology and Genetics of Tumors of the Soft Tissue and Bone. Lyon, IARC Press 2002, ISBN 92-832-2413-2 .

Individual evidence

  1. A. Rousseau, M. Kujas, R. van Effenterre include: Primary intracranial myopericytoma: report of three cases and review of the literature . In: Neuropathol Appl Neurobiol . tape 31 , no. 6 , December 2005, p. 641-648 , doi : 10.1111 / j.1365-2990.2005.00681.x , PMID 16281913 .
  2. T. Mentzel, AP Dei Tos, Z. Sapi, H. Kutzner: Myopericytoma of skin and soft tissues: clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical study of 54 cases . In: Am J Surg Pathol . tape 30 , no. 1 , January 2006, p. 104-113 , PMID 16330949 .
  3. ^ ME McMenamin, CD Fletcher: Malignant myopericytoma: expanding the spectrum of tumors with myopericytic differentiation . In: Histopathology . tape 41 , no. 5 , November 2002, pp. 450-460 , PMID 12405913 .