NAP stands for:
- Sodium pentobarbital , a narcotic drug, see pentobarbital
- National Action Plan for Children , an initiative of a state based on the resolutions of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in New York in 2002
- National action plan , the protocols on projects of EU member states in different areas, e. B. Employment (Luxembourg process)
- National Action Plan for a Child-Friendly Germany 2005–2010, an initiative of the German federal government, which emerged from the final document "A Child-Friendly World" of the United Nations, 2002 in New York
- National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights 2016–2020, an initiative of the Federal Government to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
- National allocation plan (national allocation plan), an overview of the distribution of emission certificates to be drawn up by each member state of the European Union within the framework of European greenhouse gas emissions trading at the beginning of a trading period (3 or 5 years)
- Naples Airport (Italian: Aeroporto di Napoli-Capodichino), an Italian airport near Naples according to the IATA code
- Neuilly-Auteuil-Passy , residential district to the west of the city of Paris
- Nerve exit point , an area where a peripheral nerve leaves a body cavity
- Network Access Point , see Internet Node or Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
- Network Access Protection , a security feature of Microsoft Windows Server 2008
- Non-aggression principle , one of the most important basic ideas of libertarianism and anarcho-capitalism
- Non-aggression pact , a treaty under international law between two or more states that undertake to resolve their disputes in peacetime without the use of armed force
- North American Palladium , a Canadian mining company
- Normaal Amsterdams Peil , ( Amsterdamer Ebene ), a German name for the zero point of a height setting in Amsterdam, which was first mentioned in 1674
- not-a-pro , see net jargon , means not being a professional (disparaging)
nAp. stands as an abbreviation for:
nap stands for:
- Neapolitan (ISO-639-3 code)
See also: