NASA Tech Briefs

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As part of its research and development work , the US aerospace authority NASA has an obligation to report to the industry about any new, commercially interesting technology. For more than three decades, this has been addressed through the publication of NASA Tech Briefs .

In the 1960s this was achieved by one page at a time. Since 1985, NASA Tech Briefs has been a joint venture between NASA and Tech Briefs Media Group, an SAE International company . The publication reaches over 190,000 recipients.

The monthly magazine, which is also still available in paper form, contains reports on innovations and developments by NASA and its industrial and contractual partners. NASA Tech Briefs also includes articles from NASA spin-offs , technology transfer, and application reports. Regular sections describe new patents , industrial products, software and literature.

The associated commercial website is private in nature and is not an official website of or paid for by NASA.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. NASA Tech Briefs - legal disclaimer. (No longer available online.) Tech Briefs Media Group, Nov. 7, 2013, archived from the original on Oct. 4, 2014 ; accessed on July 3, 2014 .