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The NAVIGA is an international umbrella organization in the field of ship model sport . It is a non-governmental organization under the umbrella of various national associations in the field of ship model sports. It is used to organize competitions on an international level and publishes rules for these competitions.

The club is divided into different sections, within which competition classes are defined and competitions are held:

  • Section for prototypical standing models (C)
  • Section for model racing boats (FSR)
  • Section for motor models (M)
  • Remote-controlled sailing yacht section (S)
  • Section for prototypical driving models (NS)
  • Section for motor models without remote control (A / B)

Due to the restriction to model sport, this association does not achieve the importance of other international associations in the field of model sport ( Fédération Aéronautique Internationale ).


It was founded in May 1959 in Basel. Initially, the Naviga included the FRG, GDR, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, France and Poland, although the admission of Switzerland, GDR, Poland and Italy was not finally decided until the General Assembly on September 16, 1960 on the sidelines of the European Championships in Vienna.

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Individual evidence

  1. Ringo Wagner: The forgotten sports association of the GDR: the society for sports and technology from a sports historical perspective . Meyer & Meyer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-89899-283-1 , pp. 301 .