National Institution of Social Care and Vocational Training

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National Institution of Social Care and Vocational Training (NISCVT) is a Lebanese aid organization.


It was founded in 1976 at the beginning of the Lebanese civil war as a home for orphans ( Bait Atfal Assumoud , "House of steadfast children"). Today the Lebanese aid organization NISCVT looks after 1,300 children and young people in 770 families. It maintains 10 social centers with 6 dental practices and a psychological counseling center in the refugee camps in Beirut, Saida, Sour, Tripoli and on the Bekaa plain.

Basics and goals

Since the poverty and education situation as well as the lack of prospects and the exclusion of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are still catastrophic, NISCVT tries above all to catch the children and young people and to give them help. Against the growing hopelessness, threatening neglect and aggressiveness, the employees of NISCVT offer activities to strengthen the self-esteem and the self-responsibility of the refugees.

600 children attend the organization's 8 kindergartens. There are artistic, cultural, sporting and educational offers, holiday camps, scout groups and libraries. Young girls and women take literacy courses. They are trained in handicrafts, food processing and on the computer, male young people mainly in manual professions.

Financing and independence

NISCVT finances its work exclusively with the help of donations from domestic and foreign individuals, church organizations and non-profit institutions. Political tutelage is almost impossible, as it is not supported by the PLO or other Palestinian parties, or by Arab governments. NISCVT is a non-governmental organization ( NGO ).

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