Nazi women waiting room

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The NS-Frauen-Warte was a National Socialist women's magazine that was published from July 1932 to spring 1945.

Editing & Editing

The "NS.Frauen-Warte" was created in personal proximity to the " NS.Frauenschaft " which was conceived in the NS state as an "elite organization ". In her position as "Reichsreferentin for women's issues" of the "Reichsleitung" Elsbeth Zander and after her Lydia Gottschewski not only headed the NSF, they also acted as the editor of the "Frauenwarte". From the 1930s i. d. R. the "NSDAP.-Reichsleitung" listed as publisher in the imprint. From 1936 the "NS.Frauen-Warte" was published as one of the "Magazines of the Reichsfrauenführung".

In the early years u. a. Elsbeth Unverricht and Käte Auerhahn were responsible as editors, from 1933 Ellen Semmelroth and Renate von Stieda took over the coordination of press work for the “NS. Women wait ”.

Content focus

As “the only official women's magazine”, the “NS.Frauen-Warte” was primarily intended to convey National Socialist ideas to the female target group.

Above all, there were reports on topics to be read that were intended to assign women their place in National Socialist society; In addition to the Nazi gender policy , other elements of National Socialist ideology (e.g. racism & anti-Semitism) were also part of the magazine.

In order to reach a broad, female audience, primarily “literary contributions” such as serial novels and poems were printed, as this - as suggested by the Nazi gender ideology - should appeal to women in particular. In addition, the “NS-Frauen-Warte” always included household tips and recipes to underline the desired role of women - primarily as mother and housewife, but always also the bearer of a “German culture” based on ethnic roots. On the other hand, articles devoted exclusively to day-to-day politics were much rarer to read - this also corresponded to gender ideology. Occasionally, supplements such as handicraft and pattern sheets were enclosed with the regular booklets.


  1. Laura Bensow: "Women and girls, the Jews are your ruin!" - An investigation into anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda using the analysis category of gender. Marta Press, Hamburg 2016, p. 116 f .
  2. Laura Bensow: "Women and girls, the Jews are your ruin!" - An investigation into anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda using the analysis category of gender. Marta Press, Hamburg 2016, p. 118 .
  3. Laura Bensow: "Women and girls, the Jews are your ruin!" - An investigation into anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda using the analysis category of gender. Marta Press, Hamburg 2016, p. 271 ff .
  4. Laura Bensow: "Women and girls, the Jews are your ruin!" - An investigation into anti-Semitic Nazi propaganda using the analysis category of gender. Marta Press, Hamburg 2016, p. 96 ff .

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