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The term post-insurance is understood to mean an independent insurance policy that is concluded between the policyholder and the insurer on the basis of an existing insurance policy. The purpose of reinsurance is to adapt the existing insurance coverage. Subsequent insurance is important in the area of ​​personal (occupational disability and life insurance) and property insurance (such as building insurance).

A distinction is made within the scope of subsequent insurance:

  • the right of option (subsequent insurance)
  • subsequent insurance as an increase in the sum insured


The follow-up insurance within the scope of an option right has an "additional" character. There is an increase in insurance coverage. Supplementary insurance is a legal option , so you do not have to take it. This option is particularly useful for personal insurance to ensure that changes in the life situation of the policyholder are taken into account.

Subsequent insurance for occupational disability insurance is not subject to a health examination . Individual insurers also forego an examination of newly added occupational and leisure risks. In the case of event-related follow-up insurance, the following events are generally possible:

  • marriage
  • Birth or adoption of a child ( child insurance )
  • divorce
  • Career entry (after completing vocational training)
  • Acquisition / construction of a property
  • Exceeding the assessment ceiling (GKV)
  • Change to self-employment
  • Death of an insured person with affiliated life insurance policies
  • Exceeding the income threshold (pension insurance).

Some insurers also offer additional insurance that is independent of the event. The insurance cover can then also be increased at certain times or within certain deadlines.

The option of reinsurance can be excluded by the insurer under certain conditions. This includes reaching a certain age limit or converting the insurance to a tariff without a corresponding additional insurance option. In addition, the insurer can give the policyholder specific guidelines on the amount of additional insurance.

Increase in the sum insured

The follow-up insurance as an increase in the sum insured is used in addition to life and pension insurance for the associated insurance of household and building insurance . The agreement of a follow-up insurance in this sense is a contract change according to § 305 BGB , insurance amount adjustment. This is documented with a new insurance policy or a supplement .


If additional insurance is taken out with another insurer, ancillary insurance is created (multiple insurance ) .

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