Name characters

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A name sign is an abbreviation of a name with which someone signs something or marks objects as their property.

The two ways of using

  • In those cases where it is only a matter of signaling that you have written or taken note of a document and it is clear who it is, a name sign is sufficient instead of the fully written signature. In these cases, a text can be signed with the name sign .
  • The use of name signs to mark property is also common . This use can be found both for personal items - for example to identify items belonging to a trousseau by name - and in the commercial sector - for example to protect dishes, towels or the like as property of a hotel against theft.


  • Duden. German universal dictionary. 6th, revised and expanded edition. Dudenverlag, Mannheim / Leipzig / Vienna / Zurich 2007. ISBN 3-411-05506-5
  • True, German dictionary. Edited by Renate Wahrig-Burfeind. Bertelsmann Lexikon Institut, Gütersloh / Munich 2008. ISBN 978-3-577-10241-4

Web links

Wiktionary: Name signs  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations